Thanks for participating
Engineer. Quite a bit we have in common.
okie wrote: ob, I read your opening explanations on each issue, and I think you are a very conflicted person, politically. Somewhere, you must have an underlying belief system in regard to all of these issues, and I don't see any; you seem to be all over the board on all of these things.
I suppose Okie, a person such as yourself may never experience such conflict. It is one of the unfortunate side effects of thinking for one's self. When someone endeavors to do so; all fantasies about perfect parties and politicians vanish, and they're forced to examine issues for themselves, rather than parrot the more clever talking points of the their party line.
okie wrote:First of all, are you in favor of socialism and bigger government, or are you for conservative ideals, individual freedom and responsibility, and protection of those liberties?
Here is a perfect example. Favoring socialized medicine doesn't mean favoring socialism in general any more than socialized education or socialized law enforcement does. Most capitalists in the United States recognize a need for some form of safety net. Do you? Here are a couple of questions to help you decide: Should the children of the irresponsible go unfed or uneducated? Should the police and fire departments not cover the neighborhoods of the poor, if they lack the funds to pay for such services?
Thanks to socialized Education; poor kids do get to go to school. Thanks to socialized emergency services; their houses aren't allowed to burn to the ground and crime isn't usually completely ignored. You would have it another way?
If not; why is it okay with you for children to die of treatable disease? Why should unpredictable catastrophic illness be allowed to wipe out the fortunes of most they touch? Why do you see medicine so very different than education and emergency services?
okie wrote: All of the issues tend to become clearer when you answer the basic context, and the basic context you seem to lack. For example, you like Obama and Giuliani, and they are worlds apart in basic political philosophy.
Obama, Giuliani and I agree on Roe Vs. Wade. We agree on Gay Marriage. They're as close as any candidates to me on immigration. Put short: Some of the things the Republicans have wrong; Rudy and I (and to a lesser extent, McCain) agree on. Some of the things the Democrats have wrong; Rudy and I (and to a lesser extent, McCain) agree on.
okie wrote: On immigration, you are wrong to begin with, because I think all of the Republicans favor a liberal immigration policy, but it needs to be done legally, thats all.
You are deliberately missing the point. The
legal immigration issue is a pretty low priority concern this election cycle.
Advocate wrote:We need to expel illegal immigrants as quickly as possible. Should there be inaction, or amnesty, this would serve as a tremendous magnet for untold numbers of additional illegals. We also need a fence on the border asap to keep out, in addition to illegals, drugs and terrorists.
Tremendous magnet?

This is the kind of dribble you listen to when you're trying to defend a predisposition. Poor hungry people have bigger fish to fry (like getting a fish to fry
