I started putting this together for something else, and just kept going. With as little or as much explanation as you like; what issues matter most to you, who's got it right and wrong, and who do you favor to be the next President of the United States. No proof of citizenship necessary.
None of the candidates support my position. I would open our borders to all who can show a clean record and the ability to support themselves. Only candidates that will provide a path to citizenship will be considered. Democrats + Rudy and McCain.
Health Care: It would appear that only Dennis Kucinich has this one right. It is time for a not for profit single payer system to be established. Democrats have got it closer than Republicans across the board.
Iraq: We broke it
Republicans - Ron Paul
as if he matters.
Taxes: IRS should be replaced with a Sales Tax. Only Gravel, Ron Paul, Huckabee and Thompson score positive points here.
Taxes2: Death Tax, by any name, is a good idea. I'd rather pay a greater share of my personal tax burden after I'm dead. How anyone got talked into believing anything else; I have no idea. Democrats have this right. Republicans don't.
Energy: Nuclear energy is the way of the future
and should have been pushed, rather than held back, long ago. In the mean time; rapidly escalate taxes on gasoline to encourage smarter choices (perhaps $.50 per gallon, per year). After a grace period; gradually increase taxes on all other fossil fuels until they are specialty items that are too expensive compared to alternatives. Use all excess moneys to pay down the National debt. Mostly meaningless babble going on here
Rudy scores and Republicans in general nod along.
Trade: Free Trade is a matter of human decency. However, it is also the perfect carrot to increase human decency so a set of minimum standards should be established and enforced by the green light of doing business with us. Democrats lead here, especially Hillary and Obama I think.
Abortion: Women's decision
with one exception: Viable fetuses should not be killed in partial birth abortions. That really is murder. Democrats + Rudy and I'm not sure I believe McCain (obviously; I don't want to

Gay Marriage: Nobody's business. Democrats + Rudy score
and to a lesser degree McCain, Paul and Thompson get credit
for at least minding their own business.
Scumbag Quotient: Obama and McCain get extra points for showing decency. Edwards gets cannonballed from consideration for pretending to channel dead babies.
Qualified candidates are as follows: Rudy Giuliani, Barrack Obama, John McCain (I'm not sure of the order for these three. I'm closer to sure as the list goes on), Hillary, Romney, Thompson.
No Amnesty on immigration AND a threat to stack the SC against Roe Vs Wade separates the two tiers of Republicans IMO. These issues coupled with Health Care and the Death Tax are what have me leaning further Left than ever before.
Obama Vs. either Giuliani or McCain strikes me as a win/win situation overall. This is unprecedented in a presidential election in my lifetime.