georgeob1 wrote:
The letter went on to invite us to repudiate our sitting president, and join them in together solving the world's problems. I find that a bit intrusive, and I suspect that if America piously invited (say) Germans to repudiate their elected government you too would find that a bit intrusive as well.
You should thank your lucky stars that there are people that would encourage you to do such an honest, high-minded thing. That you lack the necessary intelligence to see the necessity of repudiating your asleep at the wheel president comes as no surprise.
That you lack the insight to realize that that is what the USA does all the time also comes as no surprise. But the major difference is, the USA does more than offer advice; their avarice ensures that innocents will be slaughtered.
And you find honest, caring advice intrusive? What a monstrous joke.
Was I right or what; the morals of pond scum.
[apologies to pond scum everywhere for the association]