OmSigDAVID wrote:Montana wrote:I remember when we use to go target practice.
I always said I'd have a big gun some day.
I grew up in the Boston area and people thought I was nuts
Yup, I'm a "bigger the better" girl too

How does Canada compare to Boston for that ?
I live in the country where most of my neighbours have at least one. It's much much more secluded, which leaves us a bit more vulnerable.
The houses aren't crammed all together here like they were there (in the city) and it's much easier for someone to break in a house here without being detected by a bunch of neighbours.
When I lived in the city, there wasn't one spot around my house where plenty of neighbours couldn't see, but here it's the opposite.
Of course it's not secluded like this in the cities in Canada.
Someone broke into a house a few houses down from me just a few months ago.