The current discussion of "science" appears to give concepts like "energy" a priori status. This is perhaps equivalent to giving say "the ball" a priori status in a ball game. What matters in any dynamic system, whether it be open or closed, are the
patterns of relationships between components, not the components themselves. Each component is bounded with others by the rules of relationship, i.e.
our expectancies. It has no "existence" other than in terms of those relationships. Thus "energy" has no existence except in terms of its functional relationship with "us" in our perpetual game of "attempted control". And it follows that the component "God" has existence for
some as a hypothetical "Grand Controller". For others (Cyracuz perhaps) "God"
is "the system"...not the "controller" or "creator" of it because that would lead to the infinite regress of systems within systems, implied by the question "who created God ?".
A secondary consideration ignored by "creationists" is the concept of "time". This concept like "energy" has existence as a parameter of relationships
within the system, as an aspect of "space-time". Since "creation" has no psychological/functional value
except within a "time continuum" it follows that "creation" cannot be conceived of originating from "outside". This supports the second view of "God"
qua "system" versus the first.
To requote the last lines from above
Quote:...then the mind can go beyond and find out, through meditation, through a deep, quiet silence, if there is such a thing as reality. Therefore a religious mind is a mind that is constantly aware, sensitive, attentive, so that it goes beyond itself into a dimension where there is no time at all.