Thank you all for your well wishes for my Patti. She is not doing well and is telling her doctor and all who listen that she is willing in the future if no signs of her pain goes away - that she will take pills. It is for me an end - I cannot live here without her - she is my life partner. After that - ehBeth, you will have to click for me.
Teeny, I appreciate your right to vote for whom ever you wish. I fought in Vietnam for that right for you - I joined the United States Marine Corps in 1960 to fight for your right to vote for whom ever you please. I appreciate your commitment to our government. The Bush family are a bunch of thieves - stealing our tax dollars right out from under our noses. You should check it out for yourself. Just Google the Bush family and decide for yourself. Thanks for your clicks.
Oh, and if you are interested, Google 'George Herbert Walker Bush', his father - and decide for youself.
They are stealing your tax money.
And, with the Skull and Bones Society - nobody knows about anything.
Go figure, Our current President's grandfather helped to begin the Central Intelligence Agency - the CIA.
They have been in control of the major banks in the world ever since.
ONE per cent of the USA people own 98 per cent of the money.
JEB Bush - his initials (John Ellis Bush) was first sent by his father to S. America to do banking business - then back to Florida where his father placed him in a position to oversee the Medicare Program in Florida. You can read anywhere that JEB stole TWO BILLION taxpayers dollars and got away with it. Later, after his father got him off - he suddenly became Governor of Florida. (DUH)
Then, there is brother, Neil, who in Colorado, as CEO of the Colorado Savings and Loan stole another TWO BILLION taxpayers dollars. and all the crap that followed both stealings - they both kept millions of dollars of our money and are not in jail.
The last bro that nobody knows about is Marvin. Who the fuch has EVER heard of his name ????? He is the one I fear will kill America.
Sorry, teeny, you need to research more. Just Google these names. It will chill your soul.