Thanks a million ehBeth. We Wildclickers think of you as our leader - - -
teeny - you are absolutely correct. Our current government is GOP, led by Papa Bush on his third term as president of the USA. The Republican Right Wing is for War. War is profitable for the One Percent of the American people who are in possession of 98% of the entire wealth of the USA - and in agreement with the worlds first nation groups - that is where their money comes from. It is the same thing that brought the ancient Roman Empire to riches - they attacked countries and stole the wealth from them. They did it for hundreds of years - until the wealth became to the point that they didn't have to fight for it - they hired foreign people to do the fighting - that was when the Empire fell. Today, our President Bush has fallen into the same syndrom - he has allowed non - highschool kids to enlist - as well as felons who have served in prison and are not allowed to even vote in an election to join the USA armed services and fight in Iraq. I for one think Bush Stinks as a president. There is so much evidence against the entire Bush family - they should all be in prision. How many siblings do you know that our current president G. W. Bush has???
Not many people do.
#1 = George W. Bush = our current third term for Herbert Walker Bush. I can tell you about his failures in business and his social affairs.......But, he has failed in each thing he has been GIVEN by his father - even to this day - He FAILED in Iraq in the beginning - and is FAILING now. He has FAILED at every thing given to him by his father from the beginning. Even an oil well company in the middle east GIVEN to him by his father. He is probably the only human being on earth to have an oil well drilling company in the Middle East that didn't find any oil - (That's a true story)..
#2 = J.E.B = John Ellis Bush = His initials - he fuched taxpayers out of over TWO BILLIONS of taxpayers MEDICARE dollars in FLORIDA, and the "Federal Inspectors said of him, "He was too stupid to indict," Does that sound Papa - or, WHAT?? He kept over FOUR MILLIONS of USA taxpayers DOLLARS.
After that - he became Governor of Florida at a point when "Dubya" was behind in the 2000 election process. Which was ultimately decided by the "USA Supreme Court" ( the total excuse for the current president and his father the former "president" The Fricking "Supreme Court" is a farse.
#3 = Neil Mallon Bush
Wow....... this guy stole TWO BILLIONS USA dollars from our accounts during the Colorado Saving and Loan Scandal - and retained TWO and a HALF MILLION of our TAX dollars.. WHY????? and HOW????.
#4 = Marvin Pierce Bush = this one is a mystery. Nobody has ever heard of him and he is apparently being the one to take over Herbert Walker Bushes business. THAT IS THE SCAREY PART !!!!!
#5 = approx order of birth = Dorothy Bush
She is still alive and dangerous too.
It's a shitty world and the name of the **** is Bush. Hammered ****.