Oh bog.
Now I have to type it out.
Ok....I don't really know if it's supposed to be Mme Chirac, or Pompidou...anyhoo, it's some French dignitary's wife.
She is at a state dinner with the president of the USA etc.
During dessert, the president leans over to her and says:
"Madame, you have lived a long time and experienced many things. Tell me, what do you think is the most important thing in life?"
Madame Chirac leans toward him and says:
"Why, a penis of course!"
The president sits up, stunned.
Monsieur Chirac leans toward both of them, and says:
"My dear, I think I need to clarify a little, your accent in English 'as, I think, confused the president.
I think you mean 'appiness, don't you my dear?"