Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:06 am
This is the first one, but the idea is to show a very small section of a thing or place with hints that are hidden or in the open, and the first to guess the location wins. The winner in turn posts a picture with a hint for others to guess.
(Sorry...not quite up to posting my own picture c.i....I'll pass on that)
Isn't that in Albaquirky?
That'll be a Frank Lloyd Wright table and chairs, but I don't know what house yet. Will guess Chicago...
Seems to me it must be a museum type exhibition. Maybe not in a house, maybe in a FLW museum, maybe at a place like the art institute in Chicago, though I don't remember that.
Ah, I see his home in Oak Park is FLW education center...
perhaps there.
Prairie school of Architecture, maybe...
Yes, it's in a museum (one of the hints), but not in Chicago, and it's not at the Prairie school. The other hint that it's a design by FL Wright is also correct.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK.
Oh, goody, Francis' turn...
Sorry, not now, too late for me...
Francis, Not much passes by you, but that's to be expected.
I'm looking forward to some of your's.
I'll post some, CI, but not now, it's bedtime here.
Francis wrote:Ok, I'm back.
Guess this:

A kill room in some prison in texas?
Texas is a good guess. I'll guess Houston.