Thu 21 Aug, 2003 08:24 pm
2 blessings from OmSigDAVID:
How to be a god:
If u wanna be a god,
all u need to do is think up a story.
U can tell it, if u wanna, but u don't have to.
WITHIN THAT STORY and u r the god of that universe.
U can be a god with multiple universes,
if u think up more than 1 story.
U can freely amend any of them,
however u wish, n your judgment
is final (as well as initial).
Having said that, (CHANGING the subject,
a little):
Each god shud have a heaven.
What is YOUR idea of a heaven on Earth ?
(i.e., u can define your own; is that FUN ?)
I'll go first, since its my idea:
OK: Everyone in government, local, state,
n federal, believes that political, economic
n social matters shud be arranged, as I do.
The US Constitution is adopted.
FREEDOM ABOUNDS, socialistic government
programs r gutted n forgotten. Governments
function at about the intrusive level
of Andy n Barney in Mayberry.
The vu of John Locke
(as set forth in the 9th n 1Oth Amendments)
n Adam Smith prevail. The Patriot Acts r repealed.
The Bill of Rights
is fully enforced, weakening government.
The 2nd Amendment is fully enforced so that
any control, or influence of guns or their owners,
(as such)
is beyond the reach of any government.
Violent recidivists r BANISHED to an Aleutian
island that's closer to Japan than to the west
coast, with return prohibited on pain of death.
Every citizen who is physically able to lift
a gun is well armed, n much in fashion.
The citizens quietly compete in the beauty,
accuracy n effectiveness of their ordnance, n
they delight in practicing.
The public schools all have firearms safety
training classes (like driver's ed.) n competitive gunnery teams
for revolvers, pistols (including submachineguns), n rifles.
Discriminaltory taxation is ended.
Governments r funded only from sales taxes
and import tariffs. Every citizen who is
expected to comply with the law is free to vote.
I guess that's good for a start.
Whatayathink ?
(Please note that I don't imply
anything of a religious nature in this post.)
omsigdavid -
We meet again. I hope we can get along a little better here than on the previous forum we both were on. You have a right to misguided politics, as do I. Welcome (?) to a2k.
Hi, anon. Like old home week or something, hey?
Hmm...OmSigDAVID's god must have studied spelling at an entirely different school than I...but, I suppose that if you are god, you can change the rules.
I am reminded of The Simpsons, when Miss Kerbopple (it's Crabapple, but who's counting) is running the sex ed film with the rabbits, having a smoke and saying "She's faking it...."
I see Abuzz's resident Mugwump has come over!
It's omsigdavid's own shorthand, as I am sure he will explain. Just like Tonto and pigeon English, the two are inseperable.
The style fits the gun-totin' philosophy. However, even Tonto got a posse once in a while...
There goes the neighborhood
Able2know needs a literacy test for admission
Where's your avatar ya ole fart ??
Hi, Phoenix ! (where I grew up)
I'm battling educational malpractice:
teachers who subordinate logic
to non-functional traditions (well, not ENTIRELY functional; cud be better)
Of course, u gotta choose your battles,
n select your audience, but the future
is in the hands of the young. Might as well lighten the load
they have to carry. An "L" has no functional,
nor rational, place in a wud, a shud nor a cud.
In the immortal words of my ex-girlfriend, Marilyn:
"take the best n leave the rest."
How about YOURS ??????????
Hi, NeoGuin !
What's a "Mugwump" ??
I'm getting a Neo Gun U22 .22 cal. automatic;
wud that be incest for u ?
Heh heh, I shall return...
"...Now OSD, what do you think will happen if all the kids emulate you and start writing like you...?"
Traditional, inefficient, wasteful non-fonetic spelling will become obsolete n forgotten
replaced by fast, & ez INTUITIVE spelling.
Hmm, then shouldn't it be 'innifishint', 'tradishinil', 'waystful'....holy crap, I had no idea I knew so many hip hop artists...
Well, Cav, u r obviously far more advanced
in the science of fonetic spelling than my humble efforts.
Pronunciation: (mug-wump"), [key]
1. a Republican who refused to support the party nominee, James G. Blaine, in the presidential campaign of 1884.
2. a person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue, esp. in politics; a person who is neutral on a controversial issue.
Probably meant "muggles", then.