I think-
( feel free to snort that wine again )
From the ages of 15-25, we should not be held accountable for the things (or people ) we do, unless they are illegal..
oh I cheated on my other wives.... just never squinney....sorry to let you down mame.... I was young and dumb and full of come....
Isn't that required to get in the Guild, Bear....
And now you're... what, exactly, Bear? Older, wiser and full of ...?
I cheated on a crossword puzzle once.
Mame wrote:And now you're... what, exactly, Bear? Older, wiser and full of ...?

still as frisky as ever is this Bear honey...
Frisky and functional are two different animals, Bear.
that's why I'm a bi-polar bear
that's why I'm a bi-polar bear
No cheating? What about porn addiction? Or maybe you need help editing a sentence spelled out in broken Engrish?
I had a friend once tell me that he never cheated on his wife. He had however skirted the rules once or twice.
An older man pandering for kudos about not cheating is funny, since men are basically as faithful as their options.
I'll give him kudo's for not cheating for 18 years. He wasn't yet 40 when we met. Never did the Mid-Life Crisis - other than wanting "toys" like seadoo's and such to grunt over.
Given his line of work, and the number of people that used to disrupt our dinners out to say "Hey, aren't you..." the opportunities were certainly there. I mean, you've seen the leopard print spandex, right?
Lots of laundry being aired publicly lately.
Well, it's about time he took my word for the fact that those pants can be washed on gentle cycle, cold water. Geesh!
snood wrote:An older man pandering for kudos about not cheating is funny, since men are basically as faithful as their options.
not pandering... no laundry airing...making a joke thread pertaining to all the "I cheated" threads going around and in response to Mame making a thread about that. She got it. Pay attention for Chrissake....
snood wrote:An older man pandering for kudos about not cheating is funny, since men are basically as faithful as their options.
You should just start a thread listing all the things you don't find funny. Have you got a few weeks to kill on the computer?
("I would just put, 'Slappy Doo Hoo'", says Snood. Got that one out of the way for you.)
I think snood v slappy is funny, but what do I know....