Question for the left and right:

Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 11:33 am
engineer wrote:
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
Iraq on generally friendly terms with the US, similar to the relationship we have with Eygpt or Saudi Arabia.

That bad?

Yes, I'd accept that bad and still call it victory. My point is that I don't expect the Iraq of the future to be a satellite state of the US, but if it ends up like Iran where we can't even have a civilized conversation then there is no "victory".

Forget victory of any kind - that would be a huge step backwards for the US!

And it is the by far most likely result of our actions.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 11:41 am
It seems very doubtful at this juncture that history will judge the Iraq war kindly. By invading Iraq, the Bush administration created a self-fulfilling prophecy: Iraq has now replaced Afghanistan as a magnet, training ground, and operational base for jihadist terrorists, with plenty of American targets to shoot at.

Source: America at the Crossroads, FrancisFukuyama
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 11:42 am
Foofie wrote:
You're comparing Germans to Iraqis. I know nothing about Iraqis, but I thought Germany had a very cosmopolitan, cultured, sophisticated society prior to the Nazi regime. Is your comparison equating apples to apples?

Obviously you know nothing about Iraqis. Your comment appears to assume that the Iraquis were not cosmopolitan, cultured or sophisticated. Why do you make such an assumption? If Iraq had been a primitive, unsophisticated and uncultured nation, why would anyone suggest that they had programs to develop weapons of mass destruction? Do you allege that a nation can develop, from its own resources, a program to develop weapons of mass destruction while remaining uncultured and unsophisticated? Just what do you think it takes from a society to achieve sufficient technological sophistication to research, design, perfect, build and deploy weapons of mass destruction?

Did you think about what you were writing before you hit the submit button?
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:02 pm
Setanta wrote:

Did you think about what you were writing before you hit the submit button?

/rhetorical question?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:03 pm
Of course . . .
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:15 pm
Setanta wrote:
Foofie wrote:
You're comparing Germans to Iraqis. I know nothing about Iraqis, but I thought Germany had a very cosmopolitan, cultured, sophisticated society prior to the Nazi regime. Is your comparison equating apples to apples?

Obviously you know nothing about Iraqis. Your comment appears to assume that the Iraquis were not cosmopolitan, cultured or sophisticated. Why do you make such an assumption? If Iraq had been a primitive, unsophisticated and uncultured nation, why would anyone suggest that they had programs to develop weapons of mass destruction? Do you allege that a nation can develop, from its own resources, a program to develop weapons of mass destruction while remaining uncultured and unsophisticated? Just what do you think it takes from a society to achieve sufficient technological sophistication to research, design, perfect, build and deploy weapons of mass destruction?

Did you think about what you were writing before you hit the submit button?

It takes a culture to make weapons? huh. I thought it just took a lot of oil money to buy them and the programs to make more.

The Iraqis may have a cosmopolitan culture, but it is certainly not what could be considered modern by western standards.

Even a caveman can pick up a rock and make a weapon from it. I don't think the cultural level of a society plays much of a role at all.

Perhaps you can share with us all the modern advances Iraq has provided the world?
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:29 pm
Strawman . . . this joker specified nothing about Germany having provided modern advances to the world.

The only, the only violation found by UN inspectors before the cowboys rode in, was having extended the range of the Al Samoud medium range battlefield missile. That missile was based on the the North Korean version of the Soviet SCUD. Are you now attempting to suggest that redesigning and manufacturing a medium range battlefield missile to achieve greater is the equivalent of a troglodyte picking up a stone to use as a weapon?

Your idiocy is tedious. It's because of horseshit like that that you get no respect here.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:45 pm
Setanta wrote:
Strawman . . . this joker specified nothing about Germany having provided modern advances to the world.

The only, the only violation found by UN inspectors before the cowboys rode in, was having extended the range of the Al Samoud medium range battlefield missile. That missile was based on the the North Korean version of the Soviet SCUD. Are you now attempting to suggest that redesigning and manufacturing a medium range battlefield missile to achieve greater is the equivalent of a troglodyte picking up a stone to use as a weapon?

Your idiocy is tedious. It's because of horseshit like that that you get no respect here.

So the Iraqi society re-engineered the missiles or just some high paid engineers pilfered from other countries?

You still have yet to prove any association with a society being cosmopolitan, cultured or sophisticated and it's weapon's development. Especially when that country sits on so much free money named oil.

You asked "Just what do you think it takes from a society to achieve sufficient technological sophistication to research, design, perfect, build and deploy weapons of mass destruction?"

The answer, obviously, is money. Society has nothing to do with it. Especially one ruled by a dictator.

Perhaps you were just being haughty in your reply as always.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:57 pm
Perhaps you're just being a snide sonuvabitch, as usual.

Your boy suggested, inferentially, that reconstruction could not have achieved much because the Iraqis were uncultured, unsophisticated and were not cosmopolitan. Why don't you apply the same sneering standards to him and ask him to explain how cosmopolitan attitudes, sophistication and culture assure a rapid process of reconstruction? Oh yeah, you want to peddle the same brain-dead neo-con propaganda.

From 1991 to 2003, Iraq was unable to buy technology or weapons from foreign sources. So now you want to suggest that they redesigned SCUD missiles by means which were denied to them by the embargo? When you attempt to suggest the embargo didn't work, be sure to provide evidence to that effect. The idiot in the White House attempted to imply that the Iraqis were trying to get "yellow cake" uranium for a nuclear weapon of mass destruction program in his state of the union address before the invasion. Is it your contention that the Iraqis were going to buy uranium, and then buy the refining materials and facility, and then buy the manufacturing capacity to build bombs, and then buy the materials to manufacture bombs--all while under a trade embargo?

Are you attempting to demonstrate that you are an even greater idiot than the joker who wants to suggest that, in comparison to the Germans i n1945, the Iraqis are too primitive and stupid to benefit from the glorious Bush reconstruction program?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:58 pm
engineer wrote:
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
Iraq on generally friendly terms with the US, similar to the relationship we have with Eygpt or Saudi Arabia.

That bad?

Yes, I'd accept that bad and still call it victory. My point is that I don't expect the Iraq of the future to be a satellite state of the US, but if it ends up like Iran where we can't even have a civilized conversation then there is no "victory".

Thinking of any Islamic state as a friend of the U.S. is a mistake. Islam is inherently hostile to American ideals.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 01:04 pm
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
Iraq on generally friendly terms with the US, similar to the relationship we have with Eygpt or Saudi Arabia.

That bad?

Yes, I'd accept that bad and still call it victory. My point is that I don't expect the Iraq of the future to be a satellite state of the US, but if it ends up like Iran where we can't even have a civilized conversation then there is no "victory".

Thinking of any Islamic state as a friend of the U.S. is a mistake. Islam is inherently hostile to American ideals.

That's funny; many of the millions of Islaamic Americans would probably disagree with you on that one.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 01:07 pm
Since the vast majority of Iraqis are Muslim, and in particular in view of the fact that there is Shi'ia majority, it would behoove us not to "reconstruct" Iraq, because that would inevitably lead to an Islamic state inimical to Mom, Apple Pie and Chevy trucks.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 01:24 pm
Setanta wrote:
Perhaps you're just being a snide sonuvabitch, as usual.

No, that's you. Please do not confuse my posts with yours as yours are far more vulgar then mine.

Your boy suggested, inferentially, that reconstruction could not have achieved much because the Iraqis were uncultured, unsophisticated and were not cosmopolitan. Why don't you apply the same sneering standards to him and ask him to explain how cosmopolitan attitudes, sophistication and culture assure a rapid process of reconstruction? Oh yeah, you want to peddle the same brain-dead neo-con propaganda.

I do not apply the same questions to him because I agree with him. Iraq is a backwater desert built on oil. They had a great civilization 4000-2000BC. Too bad they didn't try to advance it much past that.

Modern Iraq is hardly a cultural hotbed of advanced civilization. It is hardly more then a blend of tribesmen playing a game in which Islam is the center piece of thought. So, what is so cosmopolitan and sophisticated about modern Iraq?

From 1991 to 2003, Iraq was unable to buy technology or weapons from foreign sources. So now you want to suggest that they redesigned SCUD missiles by means which were denied to them by the embargo? When you attempt to suggest the embargo didn't work, be sure to provide evidence to that effect. The idiot in the White House attempted to imply that the Iraqis were trying to get "yellow cake" uranium for a nuclear weapon of mass destruction program in his state of the union address before the invasion. Is it your contention that the Iraqis were going to buy uranium, and then buy the refining materials and facility, and then buy the manufacturing capacity to build bombs, and then buy the materials to manufacture bombs--all while under a trade embargo?

Are you attempting to demonstrate that you are an even greater idiot than the joker who wants to suggest that, in comparison to the Germans i n1945, the Iraqis are too primitive and stupid to benefit from the glorious Bush reconstruction program?

Yeah, the embargo really hurt Saddam's military ambitions... The only ones suffering were the people of the cosmopolitan and sophisticated society. Rolling Eyes

How many new palaces did he build during that time?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:24 pm
How many palaces were built is irrelevant to a contention that Iraq would be more difficult to rebuild because of the lack of sophistication of the Iraqi people. Stupid **** is your forte, though, isn't it? Explain how a lack of sophistication, cosmopolitanism and culture can interfere with rebuilding infrastructure such as electrical generation systems, clean water and sewage systems, roads, hospitals, schools etc. Then you'll need to demonstrate that the Iraqi people lack culture, sophistication and cosmopolitanism, as compared to the Germans in 1945, before you can assert that it would be any more difficult to rebuild Iraq than it was to rebuild Germany.

But you didn't come here for that, you just saw that i had posted, and wanted to take an opportunity to drip sneering vitriol on the page. Throw another handful of electrons at me, McWhitey . . . and see how much good it does.

I'll take if from here on out that you consider the Iraqis too stupid to benefit from any effort to reconstruct the nation. Then i'll consider just how stupid it makes your hero from Crawford, Texas look that he's making an effort which, to you, is patently doomed to failure.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:42 pm
You keep throwing invectives and damning descriptions of the Iraqis. Makes me think that's how your really feel about them.

Iraq is still a tribal society. Surely you will agree with that. As long as they remain a tribal society, they will always curse their neighbors fortunes and bless their misfortunes. they will try to gain as much for themselves while not allowing others to compete.

That is what is slowing the reconstruction and that is the difference between Iraq now and Germany 1945. Germany was not a tribal society, they were a single people. They were German.

That is how the Iraqi culture is not cosmopolitan and sophisticated in this regard. They still live in their tribes.

Now, spew some more vitriol my way and continue proving what a haughty ass you are.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:48 pm
McG has spoken for his tribe.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:53 pm
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
Yes, I'd accept that bad and still call it victory. My point is that I don't expect the Iraq of the future to be a satellite state of the US, but if it ends up like Iran where we can't even have a civilized conversation then there is no "victory".

Thinking of any Islamic state as a friend of the U.S. is a mistake. Islam is inherently hostile to American ideals.

Ok then, what is your definition of "victory"? I disagree with your premise and actually think that Iran could have been a US ally in other circumstances, but if you don't think that any Islamic state can be a friend to the US, how do you "win" in Iraq?
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:40 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Now, spew some more vitriol my way and continue proving what a haughty ass you are.

That's more your style.

In the first place, i deny that Germans were "just Germans," and not tribal. The Enabling Act, which the NSDAP used to dispense with democratic institutions in Germany in 1933, required a vote of two thirds of the Reichstag. The NSDAP polled only 35% of the vote prior to the Reichstag fire, and when Hitler ran against Hindenberg for the office of President, he only polled 35% of the vote. However, after the Reichstag fire, which it was alleged had been started by a Dutch communist, left-wing parties were outlawed. Even then, the NSDAP only polled 44% of the vote. With their conservative parliamentary partners, the DNVP (German National People's Party), they still only had 51% of the vote--enough to rule through the Reichstag, but not enough for the Enabling Act, which was intended to allow the NSDAP to govern without reference to the Reichstag. Almost all communist members of the Reichstag had been arrested in the wake of the Reichstag fire (look up Reichstag Fire Decree), and many members of the Social Democrats. But for the act to pass, there needed to be a quorum in the Reichstag, so they couldn't simply round up their opponents and hold a vote--they needed the support of other members of the Reichstag other than the NSDAP and the DNVP.

So Hitler turned to the Centre Party. The Centre Party was a Catholic party, and its leader, Ludwig Kaas, agreed to throw the support of the Centre Party to the NSDAP in the vote on the Enabling Act in return for concessions to Catholics. After the unification of Germany, many Catholics found themselves in Protestant dominated regions of German, in which they were barred from holding public office, in which "mixed marriages" of Catholics and Protestants were forbidden by law, and in which the children of such marriages which had occurred illegally, or which had occurred outside of the region in which they now resided, were required to be instructed as Protestants. Kaas' bargain with Hitler was to remove civil debilities from Catholics, to agree to protect minorities within Germany who were Catholic, such as Poles and Alsatians, to assure that Catholic civil servants would be retained in the government, and finally an agreement to protect and help fund Catholic schools in Germany. With the support of Kaas (who was, in fact, a Catholic priest), the NSDAP and the DNVP were able to push through the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler to govern without reference to the Reichstag.

What is incredible to me is that you can, apparently with a "straight face" allege that the Germans of the era of World War Two were not "tribal." So, the Jews, the homosexuals, the "Gypsies" and the Slavs who died in the Nazi death camps were not the victims of a particularly virulent form of tribalism? If tribalism were not present among those who were "just Germans," why did Kaas feel it was necessary to get guarantees from Hitler for Catholic civil and political liberties before he would agree to vote for the Enabling Act? If there were no tribalism in Germany, why had a specifically Catholic party ever been formed?

As usual, you're shooting off your mouth without a clue.

However, i'm not surprised. You have showed up in this thread, and have not responded to any other member's posts but mine. You have not addressed the titular question of the thread, you just spewed your hatred at me--and that was all your intent ever was.

The titular question is addressed to people on both the left and the right. Why don't you take a crack at the subject of the thread, and leave off your hatefulness long enough to attempt an intelligent comment?
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 06:03 pm
McGentrix wrote:
That is what is slowing the reconstruction and that is the difference between Iraq now and Germany 1945. Germany was not a tribal society, they were a single people. They were German.

That was a very recent phenomenon. My first year German language textbook, which I used in high school, has a photo essay that points out it has been said that there are no Germans, Austrians or Swiss- only Frisians, Bavarians, Westphalians, Swabians, Berliners, Tyroleans, Viennese etcetera. Germany was not a united country until the latter half of the 19th century and even then this country did not include Austrians, or German-speaking Swiss. Even in the 1930s there was something of a secessionist movement in the Rhineland. And the Alsatians, who were German by language and who had been fought over by the French and Germans for centuries would just as soon tell both sides to go to Hell.

Furthermore, Germans were strongly divided by religion and politics. Social organizations, such as country clubs, sports leagues, labor unions and business associations were created along religious and political lines. The organizations a German belonged to depended on whether or not he was Catholic or Lutheran and what political party he belonged to. Before WWI Germany wasn't nearly as united as you seem to think.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 06:08 pm
engineer wrote:
flaja wrote:
engineer wrote:
Yes, I'd accept that bad and still call it victory. My point is that I don't expect the Iraq of the future to be a satellite state of the US, but if it ends up like Iran where we can't even have a civilized conversation then there is no "victory".

Thinking of any Islamic state as a friend of the U.S. is a mistake. Islam is inherently hostile to American ideals.

Ok then, what is your definition of "victory"? I disagree with your premise and actually think that Iran could have been a US ally in other circumstances, but if you don't think that any Islamic state can be a friend to the US, how do you "win" in Iraq?

A passive Iraq with a democratic government and civil rights and liberties comparable to the U.S. Bill of Rights surrounded by neighboring countries that likewise have democratic governments and a U.S.-style bill of rights. As long as Islam exists such victory will be impossible. The only secular Islamic country is Turkey and even Turkey is drifting more and more towards an Islamic state.
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