Good for you Vivien! And good for the kits and your husband too. A house with cats is a better house. I'm allergic to cats, but have had at least one since high school. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages!
My current cat, Biggs, sits above my head on the back of my recliner. My tiny doggie lays on my lap. I read a book in between them and we're all happy.
Vivien -- Try soaking the kitten food in milk until it is soft, then drain off the excess milk. It will smell more familiar to her, and she will be more tempted to try it. Later on you can soak it less so it is a little harder, then a little harder, and eventually the kitten will be able to eat it dry.
Oh c'mon. We have a couple of yard cats at work, who occasionally bless us with some newborns. You wouldn't believe how fast they learn to latch onto that kibble.
Oh dear, seeing all these lovely posts makes me wish Paddy and Lacey were small kittens again, they are sooooooooooo cute!
I notice they go through different stages, out with the old, in with the new!
Rosie, we love you!
While my sister was visiting {she is such an animal lover} I bought her a little furry kitten, rolled up in a ball, sleeping, to place on her mantle. When I brought it home, Lacey picked it up in her mouth, thinking it was her baby, and marched off with it! It looked so real, it was hard to tell it was not a real baby kitten.
Finally got a look at Rosie. Thanks for putting her into the gallery, Vivian. God, they always look so innocent when they're young.
Thanks for the update on the babykittie, Vivien.
Vivien, yes, thank you so much, can't wait to see Rosie and we love hearing about her antics!
We've been shutting Rosie in the living room overnight, with the door blocked by a 3 foot tall painting on canvas of mine. (litter tray and overnight snaks available...)
Last night she decided for the first time that she didn't think much of being left behind when we went to bed so wailed pitifully. Tiredness made me hard hearted so i ignored it! David was asleep. Next thing - she's scaled the canvas and arrived in bed purring with pride. Too tired to take her down so she smugly spent the night with us - why do i have a feeling this was a baaaaad mistake?
Vivien, as much as I love having Nisse and Mysan with me when I go to sleep - it is no fun at all to be woken up at four or five in the morning by Nisse. He wants me to go downstairs with him, see how much food is still left in their bowls, then watch him eat a while, then I can go back to bed...
Yes, it might be a mistake to let them come into the bedroom. But it's also very cozy! :-)
Sure is, Margo. I have a friend who has three cats. At the moment, they live in a two room appartment. She hardly sleeps at all. She is spending this weekend at her parents' house and is sleeping all the time...
:-) Margo! Sometimes I think I am the only one not being able to teach our cats how to behave. But no... That's comforting.