how she's grown, from that little squidgy thing to this...
she loves my waste paper basket to curl up in sometimes
Just shows you what a lot of TLC can do, Vivian!
She's a lucky little cat!
You called?
Unfortunately this is the only pic I have of my snaggle puss on file here. It's a few years old now, but he still looks much like this.
He's gorgeous! what
magnificent whiskers
now where does the expression snaggle puss come from? we use it here too but what is the origin and meaning ?
Snaggle puss? I have no idea, really. It is just one of umpteen names I call Flatty.
Thank you for the compliment, Vivien. Flatty thinks he's pretty good, too!
As you may know, we have a huge monster of a storm on it's way to central Florida, we must evacuate by 2 pm tomorrow.
The kitties will be taking their first car trip to North Carolina so that we can be out of harm's way. I'm hoping it won't be too traumatic for them, however I would never leave them behind or to a kennel.
I have to work until noon then come home, pack up the car and get on the road with all the other crazies.
Please keep us in your prayers and hopefully we will have a home to come back to.
Love you all!
Good luck for a safe trip, Misti.
Fingers and toes crossed - good luck and i hope all is well when you get home. I had a look on the site you sent and it looks scary - no terrifying.
Misti! Great to see you home safe & sound!
... and I love the travelling critter photographs, too.
Lacey is looking wonderful, Misti. So fit & handsome!
Thanks Msolga, she is a treat and we love her! She has a definite, strong personality ... you may not see her all day long, she will be out on the porch, but when she comes in, she expects you to genuflect!
And of course you absolutely refuse, Misti!
But she's really a stunner, I must say!
aren't they well behaved? (and beautiful) I am very impressed
they look quite relaxed, not terrified at all.
Rosie didn't like being out of the safety of her travel case when we tried her out of it - she didn't like the traffic flashing by - Paddy and Lacey look so confident. Especially Lacey, she seems quite laid back on the dashboard there.
and the one where she's nagging at the driver (Rae?) is great!