Advocate wrote:High Seas wrote:McTag wrote:It's nothing to do with self-defence, is it really, David?
You seem to have an infinite capacity for self-delusion.

McTag - with respect, there's only 2 possibilities: offense and defense.
If our intent in keeping guns were offense, we would surely had attacked
a few people by now! It follows logically that defense is the only possibility.
Advocate - I politely told you earlier to take a hike:
you clearly have lost it completely, suggesting that the women here
(me, for instance) should trade in our guns for.... other women?!
Call ex-governor Spitzer's office, they may be able to assist you with that fantasy -
but please take that hike first

Regarding the "woman" comment, I was addressing the men
who were salivating over certain weapons, not you.
There appears to be some emotion based irrational thought
that strong desires for good weapons are related to sex.
I can remember back to the
age of 3,
day dreaming of misappropriating
not just the revolvers
of police officers I 'd seen
or of bank guards, but grabbing the whole rig.
However, those thoughts were never related to sex.
For a few decades, I have been the leader of a fine dining group
of NY Mensa; I may ( almost ) salivate over some of our better
hedonic culinary opportunities, but again,
no relation to sex. I wonder whether the craving and yearning for helplessness
of the enemies of freedom
are sexually related, and that thay r PROJECTING those emotions
onto freedom-loving Americans.
Maybe the leftists harbor some perverted
desire for BONDAGE ?
I like my collection of old gold coins too, but no relation to sex.
That is an illusion of the enemies of personal freedom.
( Stalin wud
LOVE u. )