Thomson Healthcare, publisher of the Physicians' Desk Reference, has launched as a free site for consumers. is based on the same information platform that Thomson Healthcare uses to create the Physicians' Desk Reference database. This drug information is then paired with comprehensive diagnostic tools.
Among the user-friendly information resources featured on are the following:
Drugs & Supplements: Addressing thousands of brand-name and generic prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal supplements, the drug database is widely recognized for providing information on drug interactions, side effects, dosages, and alternative therapies.'s interactive decision tools allow consumers to see the various treatment options associated with a particular drug protocol.
Diseases & Conditions: This information is indexed and searchable by diagnosis. In addition to providing valuable background information on the diagnosis itself, the site's interactive decision tools allow users to search common treatment options, explore clinical trials, and look up drugs and supplements that treat the condition.
Online Health Tools: A variety of health information research tools are provided on the site, including preventative resources such as the HDL and LDL cholesterol level risk factor analyzer. The site plans to add new tools such as a medication identifier that will contain a pictorial library of drugs to help identify pills and other medications.[/CODE]
Thomson Healthcare