Checking in on the "Anything Thread".
Anything happening?
Really, really wet snow here this morning. It's raining now.
It's too quiet around here. Weather's to get cold for a few days, starting tomorrow. Lows in mid thirties.
edgarblythe wrote:.........I noticed dozens of them swarming the nasty bottom.
Sensual elocution or the latest dance craze?
I read in Phillip Jose Farmer, of Sherlock Holmes doing a bee dance to make the bees go off someplace else. Too long ago to recall particulars.
Phillip Jose Farmer is one of my fave authors in SF (fave in terms of emphasis on the speculative) although Philip K Dick prolly takes the top spot for me (again in terms of emphasis on the speculative).
In terms of Hard SF neither take the cake (of course).
edgarblythe wrote:It's too quiet around here.
Hmm, don't knock it. Quiet can be highly under-rated.
Me, I treasure peace and quiet.
And contentment, too.
So, is it spring yet?
How ya doin', Edgar? How many days left until the Big Day?
July 17 marks the day for Social Security to begin. I may quit a few weeks early for a bit of vacation time. No firm decision on that.
Heyyy, alllrightt! We'll have to start a countdown as we get closer! I'm happy for you.
I'm starting to apply for jobs again. Will be sending in a resume to work in a RV vehicle and parts shop as a stock / warehouse person. It's part time, just as I want. Don't know any real details as yet.
It's almost time for me to start talking to people about a job. I just can't make up my mind which company to go to first.
Do you have any personal connections that you can use?
No personal connections. If I did, I would have changed jobs long ago.
Me neither. I'm winging it by the seat of my pants.
I don't traditionally do well on job interviews. I always make a wrong move, or say something inappropriate.
Yeah, job interviews are like tests. I don't like them either. Half my problem is my work history. Who's going to want to hire a broken down old ex-meter reader?
At least you've got skills you can use elsewhere.
My skills require too much physical exertion. I need a job that I'm not qualified for.

Hey, you'll have to take a number and line up.
I'm sure we'll both find someone who will take a chance on us.
I think I could easily get a security guard job, but then would die from boredom.
And I could get a dishwashing job at a restaurant, but I wouldn't like it.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my resume for the stocking job works out. Looks like an interesting one. They stock everything to do with RVing and outdoorsy stuff.
We will see.
I'm sure you've probably already thought about this, but what about hiring yourself out to do only certain handyman type jobs? Be your own boss doing stuff you probably wouldn't mind doing in your own workshop, etc. You could take on as little, or as many jobs as you feel inclined to.
I've thought of Lowes and Home Depot. Just don't know.