Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 11:54 am
Hi Izzie! Hope all is well with you.

Edgar, I meant to add to my above post to ask if your wife is back to work and mostly recovered now?
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:17 pm
Edgar, interesting prediction: your expectation that the housing crash will fill up the apartments. I have a friend who owns a large apartment complex and he has not seen that happen yet. But more important, or at least more interesting to me, are the social or sociological consequences of the crash. I wonder to what extent members of extended families will become more interdependent.
I wish you and your wife well.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 10:39 pm
Our apartment occupency keeps going down, since the depression has taken hold, jl.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 08:54 pm
Reyn wrote:
Edgar, I meant to add to my above post to ask if your wife is back to work and mostly recovered now?

How is your wife?
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 09:27 pm
Reyn wrote:

Reyn wrote:
Edgar, I meant to add to my above post to ask if your wife is back to work and mostly recovered now?

How is your wife?

She is recovered sufficiently to give me a hard time if I don't do right. How are you and your wife, healthwise speaking?
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 11:47 am
edgarblythe wrote:
She is recovered sufficiently to give me a hard time if I don't do right. How are you and your wife, healthwise speaking?

My right side seems to be better, but I'm still being cautious with certain activities, like lifting heavier items, etc.

My wife is having trouble with her right knee again. She probably has some arthritis in it, but more importantly, it seems to "give way" suddenly, and without warning, occasionally, resulting in a potential fall. I think (as much as she doesn't want to) she will have to return to using a cane.

Has your wife returned to work?
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 02:14 pm
My wife went back to work four or five weeks after the surgery.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:16 pm
Wow! That's amazing! Must be healing nicely.

By the way, I now have a recent photo of myself in my profile, if you wanted to see what I look like these days. Wink I tried to put it as an avatar, but I thought it didn't look good in the smaller size.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:20 pm
That's a good photo, reyn. It helps show what great guy you are.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:21 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

That's a good photo, reyn. It helps show what great guy you are.

Of course, dys might disagree with me.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:27 pm
Hey fellas

edgarblythe wrote:

My wife went back to work four or five weeks after the surgery.

That's coz 'ers made from good stock a? Wink and because her hubby has been helping her rehabilitate. Good for both of you I reckon Very Happy

Reyn - good to see you Very Happy Hope your wife's medical probs improve - I'm on crutches right now (not for much longer hopefully)- ack... not nice when the body doesn't co-operate! Best wishes to you both.

hugs and hugs...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:32 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
That's a good photo, reyn. It helps show what great guy you are.

Thanks Edgar! It's about a year old, but I haven't changed. We won't worry about what Dys says. I never liked him anyways (joking).

Izzie, sorry to hear you're on crutches. A break or sprain, or.....?

Here's to a speedy recovery!
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:40 pm
Hey Reyn - both feet surgery a month ago... (rheumatoid) - but all is OK thanku and plaster to come off in 12 days or so. No problem. Very Happy
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:43 pm
Izzie wrote:

Hey Reyn - both feet surgery a month ago... (rheumatoid) - but all is OK thanku and plaster to come off in 12 days or so. No problem. Very Happy

We certainly hope your feet will be much better from here on.
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 07:03 pm
Thank you.... this was the 4th lot on my feet - all will be fine hopefully this time round. If not... well - it will still be alright - got a bunch of you A2K folk round here, holding my hand and getting me thru these medical nuisances. (love these A2Kers) Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 09:20 am
Izzie wrote:

Hey Reyn - both feet surgery a month ago... (rheumatoid) - but all is OK thanku and plaster to come off in 12 days or so. No problem. Very Happy

Yowzers!! Foot surgery! I can imagine that makes it difficult to get around. You have someone helping you out around the home?
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 12:11 pm
Hey Reyn

Errrrr no.... bit (lot) of a stubborn mare when it comes to letting people help. Embarrassed

When the little fella is home (he's 11) from school at the weekend (he boarding at school right now) - he's an angel and makes lots of cups of tea - but, the rest of the week - me, myself and I (and A2K friends online) are doing just great. (Sometimes, tho it's much harder phsyically.... it's easier than relying on anyone else and asking for help - don't like to do that - makes me feel worse - whereas if it's just me... there's no point in feeling sorry for myself, so just get on with what I can - got crutches, wheelchair, walkers and all the caboodle - so - all is really sorted). Physio has been once - gonna be seeing a lot of her when the plaster comes off and I try to walk again.

Looking forward to the summer. Thinking about where we will go! Maybe climb a mountain somewhere...

Very Happy

Edgar.... how's your brother doing hun? I know you visited recently. Wishing for you... you know.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 01:25 pm
I am afraid he is into the end stage of it now. A question of time.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 03:10 pm
Wishing peace for you and yours Edgar. ((((Edgar))))
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 03:13 pm
that's rough, thoughts with you and your family
0 Replies

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