For those interested, here is a link to
the IMF report Walter's article mentioned. It really does sound bad.
Acuquinuk: The industrial revolution didn't fail British workers in the 19th and early 20th century. If it failed them, it did so from the beginning until about 1830, after which wages picked up rapidly by the standards of anything that happened before. (For more information, see
this articlein the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.) I think you are overstating your case, and CI's link, however interesting, doesn't support it either. It merely proves that 19th century England was a lot poorer than 21st century England. While true, this doesn't tell us much about the distribution of income in 19th century England, and how it changed over time.
Here's a site that shows how British wages and prices developed over the 19th century. It reinforces the point that the industrial revolution worked for lower income people -- and continued to work until today.