I have to go in for a D&C next week because of a fibroid. It's 7cc X 8cc X 10cc. The size of a stack of 10 dimes, so I guess like a grape.
I've been totally asymptomatic, as far as pain, discomfort or even awareness I had one.
Saw my reg Dr. a couple of months ago and told her how after 15 months of no period, I started getting them again. 2 spaced out by 30 days....very light.
She said if I got another one to tell her, because that could be a sign of uterine cancer.
Well, I got a similar light period after another 30 days, so she send me to a gyno.
I'll admit, I was a bit put off by this dr.
She asked me what brought me in today, I told her, and without blinking an eye she says "I need to take a biopsy of your uterus,

then I'll do a D&C.

Do you want to do the biopsy right now,

or schedule it for another day?"
This seldom happens to me, but it was a total case of "information overload, does not compute"
After blinking, saying What? Today? and thinking (are you f'ing kidding) I said, really stupidly "uh....does a biopsy hurt"
"Yes, it does" she says
Even more stupidly I ask "Will I cry"
she says "I don't know. Maybe."
then she drops on me "Or, would you rather skip that and just go for the D&C?"
Mind you, I haven't dropped my pants for her yet.
After I said a few more inane things, becoming increasing alarmed at the prospect of someone sticking something sharp up my whooha, she said I could get a transvaginal ultrasound first, because there's a slight chance the lining of my uterus is very thin, and my getting my period is unrelated to a needing a D&C type thing.
Ok....cake or death.
Cake please.
I'd prefer the transvaginal sonogram if you don't mind, which I've had before and doesn't hurt, and is just weird. It's like someone puts a gear stick in you, and then keeps shifting through all speeds, reverse and neutral for awhile. Kinda like taking your uterus and ovaries out for a spin.
I get called yesterday about the results, and even though I'm not thrilled, I think it is a good thing to go ahead and do, because it will give the dr a chance to look around in the uterus to see if everything is really fine.
Getting put under.
I've never had anestesia before, and I hear those stories, and personally know someone who had the experience of not being completely under, but not being able to move, and you feel everything they are doing.
What is is getting put under and waking up like?
Honestly, the thought of what they are going to do grosses me out, so I just don't think about it.
So, how's your day?