SEE I WAS RIGHT! lol they are corny Montana and I never used them.
Montana my love, how right you are!
Here are a few from one of the best pick-up line parody dude on TV, Mad TV's 'Funky Walker, Dirty Talker':
I wanna climb up on your turntable and get stuck in your groove.
Man, you look as smooth as exlax and twice as sexy
Baby! I wish I was some kind of astronaut so I could get caught up in your black hole.
Baby, I want to get out my telescope so I can take a good look at uranus.
I want to get inside your church and start speaking in tongues
I wanna open up your liquor cabinet and pull me a stiff one.
I wanna make like Winnie the Pooh and get my nose stuck up in your honey jar
I am seriously disturbed. Mr. Cav, Im ashamed to be your Lover!
cavfancier wrote:Montana my love, how right you are!
Here are a few from one of the best pick-up line parody dude on TV, Mad TV's 'Funky Walker, Dirty Talker':
I wanna climb up on your turntable and get stuck in your groove.
Man, you look as smooth as exlax and twice as sexy
Baby! I wish I was some kind of astronaut so I could get caught up in your black hole.
Baby, I want to get out my telescope so I can take a good look at uranus.
I want to get inside your church and start speaking in tongues
I wanna open up your liquor cabinet and pull me a stiff one.
I wanna make like Winnie the Pooh and get my nose stuck up in your honey jar
LOL Cav!!! Any one of those lines would get a "f*ck off" from me. Some lines are funny as hell, but some are just plain rude. I'll stick with your way ;-)
safecracker wrote:SEE I WAS RIGHT! lol they are corny Montana and I never used them.
They really are corny and it's nice to know that some men don't waste their time with that crap ;-)
Back in the insane days, my friend Leonard, who was a big, wide -shouldered man of men, would go about picking what he called " the right candidates."
He would approach a woman in a bar and point to another woman across the room, a woman he hadn't talked to, and say "See that girl over there? She sent me over here to see if you would like to go home with the both of us, but now that I'm over here I'm thinking we should just ditch her and get out of here by ourselves."
Now, not every time, but a LOT of the time, they would head out the door together. He said it worked especially well if the other woman, the one across the room, was prettier than the one he was talking to.
Red, no need to be concerned....those were posted as an example of horrible pick-up lines, so horrible that they are funny

My apologies, I was irony-ng at the time, so I was a little distracted....incidentally, Funky Walker had the full-on big afro, and the 70's duds, if that puts it in perspective, and no cool Bond gear.
The only ones I can think of are the corny classics, like "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put u and i together." or "Are your feet tired? Cuz you've been running around my mind all night."
My favorite is when a friend had a guy say to her, "Go home with me and I swear I'll make you see god."
She replied, "Only because I'd kill myself."
If you are in a group situation, and are listening, catching up with a conversation can be a good "in". "I couldn't help but overhear...." not a line, really, but a good concept. Worked for me a couple of times.
LibertyD...I think I might have married that girl

I certainly didn't use that line though!!
Then there's the old ancient line "What's your sign?" and I'd always say "no trespassing".
Cav -- sounds like you've got a good woman!
That's a good one, Montana!
or "if I could rearrenge the alphabet I would put u and I togather" gotta take the top corny prize
Yeah, SC...hey, I dare you to try it...oh wait, you're married. Never mind.
lol I never needed pickup lines, in HS I played ball and then I was a man in uniform but hey the whole time I was dating the woman who is now my wife lol
"falling from heavan is a long drop, but luckily i was here to catch you.."
that was used on me when i was a bit drunk and fell over my own stilleto. we ended up dating for 2 weeks. not because of the pick up line, but he had a nice ass aswell
Hmm...still intrigued with finding horrid pick-up about:
"Hi, I think you're really pretty, but just let me know now if you hate me and my troll-like appearance, or my personality, because I don't handle disappointment very well, and I'm already paying my shrink $200 a session, and if I need extra sessions, I'll never be able to afford to buy you a drink."
My name is INCREDIBLE. But you can call me [ your name here].
hey babey, want a leg over?
(if answered no)
well, do you mind lying there while i have one?