mac11 wrote:Yes, welcome Thomas! I need to go back and read this thread. I didn't realize you were already here.
I have to tell you that I don't think you need a bit of help from blatham or anyone. Go talk to those Joisey girls and see what happens!
No need to go back and read mac.
Here's the upshot....
Thomas is going to move to NJ and get tons of advice on a million places to live that involve hours of commutting via public transportation, in places no one is quite sure what the housing is like....It's generally acknowledged Thomas will have unlimited time to visit Manhatten and will breeze about effortlessly on trains and buses.
I made the off the wall suggestion he live in the town (at least temporarily) he works in and buy a car, since he may not want to spend hours and hours every day riding a stinking bus or train that breaks down. Otherwise, he can walk or bike to wherever he needs (not necessarily wants) to go, regardless of the freezing slush and rain. Nevermind the fact that anyplace you may really want to go, like restaurants, movies, post office etc. will be nowhere near a bus line, unless you want to take an hour and a half to get somewhere you can drive to in 20 minutes. Thomas comes from strong stock.
Then it was bantered about how Thomas could rent a car 2 or 3 times a month, which would obviously be sufficient to meet his needs.
Thomas arrives, rents a temporary furnished apartment near work, and from what I understand, leaning toward buying a car, if he hasn't done so already.
Next up....Thomas goes to Circut City and buys a TV. Stay tuned.