Hi Lion Tamer, and thanks for another informative post! Montclair, Highland Park, andWestfield are mentally bookmarked along with Metuchen.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Thomas wrote: (Can you tell my company is going through a phase of restructuring?)
Some phrase of restructing? To quote the Süddeutsche: There are signs of a revolution at XXX: XXX will get a tightly organised structure.
"Organized structure"? Pffff! Such a silly phrase can only come from one of those newbie top managers who don't know how things are done at our company.
Hi littlek, CalamityJane, georgeob1 and farmerman. I see we have a bit of controversy among the latter two. (I'm the son of two chemists. I drank mercaptans and amine compounds in my mother's milk. (Perhaps even literally.))