cicerone imposter wrote:BillW, I am not talking about "isolationism." I am talking about our tendency to go to war with countries that seems to have huge oil reserves, and usually nothing else of value to the US. Why aren't we stopping the war in Israel with our 'military might?' Why aren't we going to war with either Pakistan or India? Why aren't we going to war with the protestants or catholics in Ireland? Why aren't we going to war with the war factions in Africa? Some or all of these countries are responsible for the death of Americans. I just don't get it, I suppose. c.i.
Cicerone, Iraq is building a nuke that it will put to evil purposes, threatening America, its assets, and our allies. If you think Saddam does evil now, just wait until he is defended by a nuke and can act without restraint.
I'd say it makes much more sense to fight over something than to fight over nothing. The oil supply in the Middle East directly affects our freedom. The more expensive oil becomes, the less freedom we have to hop in our cars and go where we please, the more expensive it becomes for trucks to haul goods to us, the harder it becomes to run businesses. Oil makes all things go. That's why we don't want to have some evil dictator taking over a significant portion of the oil supply and jerking us around.
By contrast, we have no dog in the fight between Pakistan and India. Personally, I'm rooting for India but the US has no interest in fighting their fight for them. Likewise, the bloodshed between Irish Catholics and Protestants does not affect American interests. We have no interest in fighting African tribal wars for them, either. It is odd that you suggest that we should be jumping into foreign fights everywhere on the globe.