blatham wrote:
Our Tantor is a fine fellow. He's fresh out of the military and is possibly looking for a new and consequential function in civic society. If he chooses to try out being and speaking for God, I think we ought to allow him this 'personal-growth' experiment. At least, for a day or so.
Actually, I have been spending the last eighteen years with you fine civilian folk. Serving in the military is quite a consequential function in society, seeing as it guarantees all those freedoms that so many callow civilians take for granted. Perhaps you know guys like that, blatham.
blatham wrote:
Here, I think Tantor has it right (well, other than the happy happy kill kill riff at the end there) regarding loss of life and who is responsible. The defense of Kuwait seems surely a justifiable military engagement, even if one at the same time indicts the US for being blithely inconsistent in the targets it chooses for bringing 'good' to the world.
Blatham, the secret police who keep Saddam in power should die. This is no mere bloodthirsty cheerleading but a moral pronouncement. The British just released a dossier in the last week or so about Saddam's atrocities in which they revealed that one of Saddam's agent's job title was "Taker Of Women's Virtue." In other words, Saddam keeps at least one professional rapist on the government payroll. We also know that Saddam has his secret police torture and rape the wives and children of his suspected opponents in front of them, to break them. The secret police returns imprisoned sons to their family and shoots them on their doorstep. They remove the brains from executed prisoners and return the bodies to their families. They cut the limbs from executed prisoners, sew them back to the wrong joints, and return the disfigured bodies to their families. They run Nazi-like experiments prisoners to test the effectiveness of chemical and biological weapons. There is a lot more.
Blatham, these people are evil. They should not be allowed to put down their bloody instruments of torture and live their lives out sunning themselves on a villa. They must die to avenge their victims and as a warning to others who would follow their path.
What is your objection to punishing Saddam's secret police with death? Do you prefer some alternative? Detail and defend it.
blatham wrote:But also, I'm quite sure that there are folks on 'our side' who wouldn't hesitate to attach a car battery to a dirty smelly evil Arab's testicles in the name of freedom and justice and the American Way.
When I went to New York to see the WTC site, my guess is that I could pull any dozen people from the fence and they would think that Osama Bin Laden would benefit from some input from a car battery. My boss here in Washington who lost three friends in the Pentagon on Sep 11 might look the other way should such an event come to pass. The fact is, such treatment would be just.
However, the US military doesn't work that way except in the minds of those who only know it through fiction they watch on TV and the movies. In the real world, torture doesn't work that well because when you place people in pain they will tell you whatever you want to hear. If you want them to tell you they are a witch, they will do so to escape the pain. We don't need confessions of witchcraft for political purposes but rather real information we can use.
The way to break down a prisoner is to isolate and disorient him. Most people break right away, especially if they are untrained to deal with the situation as most Al Qaeda grunts. The very toughest guys can hold out weeks or months. The Al Qaeda leadership we have captured do not appear to be made of such stern stuff. They talk right from the git go.
If you are an Al Qaeda terrorist sitting by yourself in a cell with no communication except with your interrogators, you will rightfully give up hope of ever rejoining your former life. That cell is your life and your only human contact is your interrogator. After a while you will come to look forward to those interrogations, will come to see your interrogators as friends in a perverse way, and will scour your mind to produce useful information to keep that relationship going. In time, the interrogators will vacuum your brain clean of all useful information.