Foofie wrote:Zippo wrote:Quote:You're telling me Australian aboriginees, or Argentinean natives, or Native Americans, or Black Africans in African Arab lands are treated with the milk of human kindness. I guess I was under a total misconception.
Find one single example of them having their homes/crops bulldozed by the government. Or getting run over by a tank.
Then show me one single example of Australian aboriginees, or Argentinean natives, or any other group that had their land compromised (in their opinion) and then using the tactic of Homocide Bombers on innocent civilians. You know that's what initiates the bulldozing of homes.
You still haven't addressed the thought about Sephardic Jews, since you seem to write as though all Jews/Israelis are Ashkenazim (aka western or eastern European). Over half of the Jewish Israelis came from Arab countries, after the 1957 Arab/Israeli war. Plus, with the Ethiopian Jews doubling their population practically every decade, the day may come when anti-Zionists won't have Ashkenazi Jews to point to in Israel, claiming the Jewish Israelis are European usurpers.
As I've mentioned earlier, the Palestinians that say they lost land/homes in Israel during the 1948 war, left Israel at the request of the Arab invading armies. They were told to get out of the way of the Arab advancing armies, and in a few weeks time, when the Arab armies won, they could return to live in the homes of the Jews.
Boy, was that bad advice.
The sadistic nature of Zionism must be emphasized so that the dimmest person associates the word with scorn and revulsion.
There is one thing that puzzles me: You are apparently a Semite. And you know very well that the Russian Jews - the Ashkenazim - who control Israel and the United States are not Semitic. But you and all Arabs, who should know better, allow the weaponization of the Jewish term, "anti-Semitism."
You Semites never use this term to characterize those who hate and murder you. The genuine anti-Semites are the Zionists, to whom you have granted the exclusive use of this weapon. You even allow them to accuse you of "anti-Semitism" as they practice the vilest form of it against you, and you never object! Even this otherwise excellent article on "anti-Semitism" doesn't mention this obvious fact.
The Israelis, no matter whence they came to Palestine (Russia, Poland, Lithuania, West Europe, America, etc), are ninety-five percent Russian Jews, whose ancestors never set foot in the Middle East and who were in fact converts to Judaism around 900 AD. The few Sephardic Jews in Israel have virtually no rights compared with the Ashkenazim. "Zionism" simply means that the descendants of those converts must emigrate to Palestine, seize control of it, rename it and "make the Law go forth from Zion." The Law is Deuteronomy and the guide for the application of the Law is the Talmud.
Why don't you Semites blow the whistle on these criminal psychopaths and their deceptive weapon of mind control - "anti-Semitism?" An Anglo-Saxon such as I cannot really complain about the abuse of the term because I have no standing as a Semite. But you have.
The Jews use the term for two good reasons: First, it suggests that they are in fact Semitic, which serves to justify their invasion and occupation of Palestine, something that would be otherwise inexplicable for a non-Semite. The obvious question would be: Why do you insist on living there, where you have no roots?
The other reason is that "anti-Semitism" has a clinical, sinister sound. It sounds like a congenital mental disease, which I believe it is in its true form, as practiced by Jews and their janissaries such as Bush and DeLay.
But they simply do not want the term "anti-Jew" used, because they don't want non-Jews to say the word, "Jew." It offends them because the very use of the word by a non-Jew is an accusation of guilt - and they know it.
So, I urge you to spread this very helpful suggestion to create awareness of the criminal psychopathic abuse of the very legitimate term, "anti-Semitism," by racist fanatics whose main reason for living is to exterminate all Semites.
Such a truth campaign would undermine and eventually destroy the Jewish lie of "the right of return." What right? How can you return to a place you and your ancestors never were?
( writer of 'A New Definition of Anti-Semitism' )