Sun 23 Sep, 2007 10:08 am
I strongly supported invading Iraq
to overthrow and neutralize Saddam.
( That shud have been included within the FIRST Gulf War;
Bush was an ass for leaving the job unfinished. )
I saw Saddam as a very chronic & very vindictive, homicidal maniac
with a grudge against us ( for our ejecting him from Kuwait )
and access to nukes. His son Uday was a worse, more sadistic lunatic,
hence the need to rid us of Saddam and the boys.
We r now engaged in a project to PACIFY Iraq
and turn it into a sweet paradise.
We did the same thing in Germany and in Japan.
This is too expensive in the lives of our soldiers and marines
and in depleting the treasury, draining resources from our economy.
Until now,
I had understood the need or the reasons for each of our wars.
The Revolutionary War, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War,
the First World War, the Second World War against the national socialists,
the Third World War against the international socialists,
and now the (defensive) Fourth World War against the Moslems,
but I cannot understand Y we did not leave Iraq in shambles,
after destroying Saddam 's dynasty, bring the troops home,
thereby saving their lives and all of our cash ?
W is obsessed with this war,
but he has not explained the CONTINUED need of it, so far as I am aware.
When Bush captured Manuel Noriega, in Panama,
he brought him to America, where he languishes in prison.
On the day that we captured Saddam
( having already killed his evil princes ) we shud have withdrawn.
I just do not understand Y we r still fighting.
Can anyone, of any ideology, explain this ????????????
bush and his support group are evil sociopaths with an eye to the assumption and maintaining of wealth and power and have no other priorities.
Many will call that an oversimplification.
Well, you have to make things simple so that everyone of every intelligence level has an opportunity to understand the truth.
There will still be those who choose not to recognize accept and believe the truth, and those who, for reasons known beat to themselves, must have facts and thuth presented to them in a complicated manner, surrounded by innuendo and debate. They reject the simple truth merely because of it's very simplicity. This is evil and lies greatest allie.
In my mind,
u r portrayed by Michael Gross, of "Family Ties" fame.