Do they know what the balance and pain are from?
Damn ageing!
I wonder if your hospital ever has everyone get together re a complex situation like yours? We did in the hospital I used to work at. They were called sticky bun sessions. All the people involved with a person would get together and try to come up with an opinion and a plan. Eight appointments with eight different people. That's a lot of information coming in from a bunch of people all looking at different bits of you.
Tell them I will order in sticky buns from the best bakery in New York if they have a sticky bun session about you! Or bagels, or hamburgers, or whatever the hell health workers in NYC eat for morning or afternoon tea!
Are you able to get about? Are you able to work at all?
Me? I'm sick to death of perching in damn apartment. It's a perfectly ok apartment but it's full of boxes and clothes on rails. Still haven't found my original underwear. Now I have two lots of underwear. I have all the goddamn cushions from my big sofa, but not the big sofa. I can only have one visitor at a time because there isn't enough seating. There's nowhere to iron. The oven was so filthy when I moved in that I daren't use it in case it smokes so badly it makes the fire alarm go off. If the fire alarm goes off, nothing can stop two big fire engines from coming. I daren't clean it either, because it's a pyrolitic cleaning oven...ie it cleans itself by burning all the crap to a fine ash that you wipe off. Again I worry re fire engines.
House is supposed to be ready around Easter. What does that actually mean? I don't know.
I have conditional approval for a mortgage but they keep asking for more and more and more pieces of paper. I don't DO pieces of paper. I mislaid some pieces when I moved.
Managed to get floorboards changed which is great. I saw a neighbour's floorboards and liked them much better than the ones I chose.
Met my new neighbours and they seem fine.
I am able to drive again.
Sebastian hates where we are with a passion. If only I could tell him it will get better!
It's crazy here. For some reason, the powers that are decided that every March we would have an arts festival, (two arts festivals every second year) a three day music festival and a three day car race all in the middle of the city at the same time.
I live almost in the city and it's chaos. Well, it isn't really, but the road blockages from setting up an inner city road race track have commenced and, although they have happened every year since we first had the Grand Prix Formula one in the middle of the city in the early 80's,, everyone acts as though they never had to manage with half the city streets blocked off before.
My friends and colleagues are in the midst of a puppy/kitten explosion.
I think we have four new kittens and three new puppies happening.
Also babies everywhere.