if an airline stopped me from getting to a doctor's appointment (okay, i admit, i just now wondered what kind of "appointment" it was...) over what i was wearing, i'd be pretty inclined to never do business with them.
it's bad enough that people can't smoke on planes. (i'm a nonsmoker, but why can't they have smoking flights? they can still have an air marshal on them...

) we really don't need people being the fashion police on them.
was the flight from new york, where it's been ruled unconstitutional to arrest someone in public for being topless? no, i seem to recall not.
i don't actually care if they apologized as damage control/business or out of decency, if we needed to force them, it was successful.
i am amused that this is one more crisis that "remembering where your towel is" would have solved instantly. trillian's miniskirt would have never gotten her thrown off a flight.