You have to admit she looks like a transvestite.
The Adam's apple, though incredibly apparent to me, hadn't really registered until you brought it up.
Otherwise, I think she looks better than most of the female talking heads. (Wondering why looks matters...)
Hillary gives me more of an icky She-Man vibe than Coulter does. And, that's not me politics--but me femme bot radar.
Hillary reminds me of the evil high school principal type. Sorry...I'm a liberal but I wasn't a great fan of the Clinton admin either !
the word from the he-men on one of the renovator's sites i follow is that ms. coulter is one of those lipstick types we were talking about recently. funny, hearing that from a bunch of republican, independent business operator types. they like her politics, but not what they think her orientation is.
Well, there's Hillary, and Ann, and Mary (whom I like - I think she's funny), and then there's Bob Dole. On the male side. I still am having a problem with him doing all those commercials for Viagra. Although Elizabeth was probably so busy with her perfect hair she didn't notice. And while we're dissing - why can't Condi get a new hairdo?
That's a helmet, Mamaj, and it's there because she needs it.
In has intoned Republican psycho babble jingoisms being constantly repeated within her hearing range.
Condi's inaugural hair was a serious helmet head. She did soften up with those soft curls at the nape of her neck... She looked great for a while. I think she's letting it grow back out.
Someone should talk to her.
Mary needs a divorce. She always looks miserable to me. They insult each other on air constantly. How can they be happy?
She's Republican, no wonder she looks miserable
But, then what's Hill's excuse?
There's an awful remark guys used to make about women they didn't like (or couldn't get), "Aw, she just needs a good f***!" I have to admit that thought crossed my mind when I first became acquainted with Ms. Rice in the media...
Not sure that would help Tartarin. She is so insulated, she'd never feel it
Why are so many republicans afraid of women? They are constantly derogatory about the sex in general And heaven knows they're afraid of them in high places. Is it true that republican men are poor lovers?
As for Mary Matalin - I've watched her for years on various shows, and she's quick and sharp and funny. What I hear in Washington is that her marriage is good - a lot of respect on both sides. I still wonder why she left Cheney - she was really loyal to him, and she's always had nannies and help, so it wasn't a matter of taking care of her children. What did she know?
And Condi Rice just has an all-over armored look to her, which is likely necessary considering the crowd she hangs around with. Sofia - when was that soft cluster of curls? Ain't nothin soft about that woman.
Figured out Bush's walk. He's always in that truck, but the image he wants to project is that of a rugged cowboy type. So, when he gets out of the truck, he pretends he's just dismounted from a horse, and walks like he thinks a person who has just gotten off a horse does. Condi Rice may not be the only one in need, Tart.
Funny, Bush is scared of horsies :razz:
Mamaj! I think you have a point there!
As for Republican men, my extremely limited experience tells me that they love themselves best.
probably these repub men truly think they're great lovers because every time they do it THEY come......if you can't girls your vaginas must be broken....
The Neo-Com influence on Bush
If you want to understand how the New-Coms used Bush's world culture ignorance, I recommend my post What are Neo-coms Anyway?