Roman Catholic Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God 'Allah'

Thu 25 Feb, 2021 05:33 am
The president of the United States.
Thu 25 Feb, 2021 08:12 am
NealNealNeal wrote:

The president of the United States.

That would be Joe Biden.
Frank Apisa
Thu 25 Feb, 2021 08:35 am
InfraBlue wrote:

NealNealNeal wrote:

Right now we live in the "age of grace". God is withholding His wrath on mankind for right now. However, the Day of the Lord will eventually come. It will not be a pretty sight.

Damn, what a narcissistic sociopath. Reminds me of Donald Trump.

If you will excuse the expression: AMEN!
0 Replies
Thu 25 Feb, 2021 03:32 pm
maxdancona wrote:

NealNealNeal wrote:

The president of the United States.

That would be Joe Biden.
I was using a different time frame than today. 😁
0 Replies
Thu 25 Feb, 2021 07:49 pm
NealNealNeal wrote:

There is an infinite difference between the most powerful person in the world and the Creator of the universe.

Sure, it doesn't make it any less of a narcissistic sociopath, however.
0 Replies
Sat 13 Mar, 2021 12:39 pm
In Malaysia Christians have just won a high court case allowing them to call God Allah. There has been a long running court battle since Christians were banned from using the word in 1986.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 13 Mar, 2021 01:00 pm
Malay-speaking people on the island of Borneo have no other word for God but Allah.

Apart from the word “Allah”, the Kuala Lumpur High Court also ruled that Christians can use three other Arabic words: Baitullah, Kaabah and solat.

0 Replies
Sat 21 May, 2022 11:39 pm
Allah is just the word for god in Arabic, as with Yahweh is the word for god in Hebrew, and Jehovah is the word for god in English ( anglo-saxson ). Not to be make things difficult.

I mean your just saying "god" but in another language.
Sun 22 May, 2022 12:06 am
If this is such a concern then how come He didn't call for Musilms to just call Allah God? I know why. He would have been hunted down and killed for insulting Muslims and Allah thats why.

Maybe. Islam rejects the Trinity, and when mainstream Christians refers to "God", that's what they mean. The real issue is that Allah is singular and "God" is a translation of the plural word Elohim. Conflating the terms only brings confusion.
0 Replies
Sun 22 May, 2022 12:13 am
Allah is just the word for god in Arabic, as with Yahweh is the word for god in Hebrew, and Jehovah is the word for god in English ( anglo-saxson ). Not to be make things difficult.

No, Allah and YHWH are singular. If you were talking about "God" in early Hebrew you would say Elohim. It's already difficult, never mind.
Sun 22 May, 2022 06:28 am
I don't think most people call God as Elohim.

Either God
El Shaddai

Still, I don't think God is equivalent to Allah. Allah is a false god, made from the bloodlust of a barbaric people. Allah could not have been the God who created heaven and earth, as his people do nothing but destroy. They even destroy history.

Sun 22 May, 2022 06:32 am
This is why you need to let go of this theology.

Right now we live in the "age of grace". God is withholding His wrath on mankind for right now. However, the Day of the Lord will eventually come. It will not be a pretty sight.

When people draw easy comparisons to other people that are too harsh, they also might draw easy comparisons saying that Allah and God are the same.

But Allah and God are not the same. Jesus will not be coming in judgement.
0 Replies
Sun 22 May, 2022 04:47 pm
Allah is a false god, made from the bloodlust of a barbaric people. Allah could not have been the God who created heaven and earth, as his people do nothing but destroy. They even destroy history.

Ignorant and bigoted.

YHWH is a man of war: YHWH is his name.
Exodus 15:3
Mon 23 May, 2022 05:02 am
Yes, and that's how the Jews treated God.

But it's possible that the Jews abused their posirion as "chosen people."

God chose the Jews as a religious group to be a light to other nations. Just as America largely is as a country ("a city on a hill"). When America is a moral and hardworking country, other countries tend to be. When America is frightened of the big fake Coronavirus (dude Coronavirus is literally a subspecies of "common cold", you were basically pranked by shadow governors), the rest of the world suffers under it too. As a religion Judaism set the model for better treatment of slaves, and this in turn inspired the nations to do better.

But the Jews eventually saw themselves as exclusive. Not chosen, but better than others. This happened around the time of Roman occupation, when they should have had their head on straight, and realized there was a foreign power and they neededa legitimate mindset. They chose instead to divide their people into righteous and sinner, double down on nationalism and belief that God only was there as a war leader (uhhh God created the heaven and the earth, God easily made crops grow and then rain fall not just for them but for the Romans, but they could only see their Messiah and one of conquest), and become so caught up in wishful thinking that they couldn't even recognize the Messiah when he came. All of this meant their society was not only fragmented but warlike. That's a regular people, not a chosen people. Not a group designated by God to set an example.

A chosen people by this time should have realized that to be chosen doesn't mean other other people aren't important. It means that your ultimate goal is to show Ninevah (a metaphor for other nations, that the Jews can't stand) that they are to repent of their sins, and worship God. If you are chosen but cannot relate to others, you are like a fig tree that has plenty of nutrients but won't bear fruit when people need you to. This is the meaning of Jesus withering the fig. The Jews had become like a useless fruit. Today, they are bitter, because God appears to have chosen the Christian Gentiles. But they are not exclusive, just principled. God isn't just a man of war. God makes crops grow and the sun shine... for the entire world. Righteous or not. God is more importantly a man among us. God is with us.

They say that Islam is based on Judaism and Christianity, but as far as I can tell, they're like Christianity never happened. Except for Revelation. They're basically like hyper-conversionary Jews (works-based, chosen people mentality) with the only difference that Jews are insular and only quietly grumble about how one day the Messiah will come, and then they'll have their revrnge, while the Muslims have no problems forcibly converting large swaths of humanity. This was the onlt thing beyond apocalysism that Islam took from Christianity, that we he a duty to reach other people. If Islam can ever stop fighting, maybe they too will see that God is more than a man of war. But until then, they will always worship a false god.
Mon 23 May, 2022 05:07 pm
But until then, they will always worship a false god.

No, that would be mainstream Christianity, worshipping the Trinity.
Wed 25 May, 2022 06:53 am
Nothing wrong with the Trinity.

Plenty wrong with worshiping a god that some camel herder says some angel told him about after physically abusing him. Uhhh, he himself though it was a demon, and wanted to kill himself. But like some friend of his or whatever tells him, "It's not a demon." Ohh okay, so this abusive angel is not a demon, I guess that must be right. And this god who legitimizes polygamy, bestiality, extreme child marriage, and necrophilia. I guess there's nothing wrong with him, either. He's obviously not Satan or anything.

You see, Christianity at least made a good-faith attempt at improving Judaism. Islam was about 600 years later, but feels 600 years before with its morality preaching (no grace) yet also moral dissolution. The Trinity? We have the Father (God) already known throughout the entire Bible. The Spirit of the Lord is not in amy way different from the Holy Spirit, and that is mentioned throughout the Bible.
And Jesus, the Son? Oddly enough, well before the incarnation of Christ, God is mentioned as a man (or woman) several times.

- Wisdom (woman) is present during the creation of the world
- A man wrestles with Jacob
- God walks through the Garden of Eden (implying personal presence)
- A man and some angels judge Sodom and Gomorrah
- Exodus 33:20 God explains that he cannot show his real face, so theoughout Exodus we instead see God in a number of forms, including that of a man
-The angel of the Lord

The Jews tell us that it is impossible for God to become a man, but he has done so before.

Wed 25 May, 2022 09:25 am
One of my Muslim friends once told me he used to laugh at Christians singing Halleluijah because they were praising thename of Allah.

Then again, if this thread is anything to go by Christians are a pretty dim lot.
Wed 25 May, 2022 09:27 am
Nothing wrong with the Trinity.

It's from the Egyptian mystery religions. There's no trinity of beings in Elohim (translated as God).

Then he brought me to the door of the gate of YHWH's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
Ezekiel 8:14-15
Wed 25 May, 2022 10:41 pm
No, you're mistaken. The Egyptian and Babylonian "trinity" was a family of gods: Isis, Osiris, and Horus.
Mary worship is also part of the Babylonian Ishtar/Tammuz family thing.
Btw, you should recognize Tammuz as part of one of the Jewish months. If you think Judaism isn't hardcore corrupted as part of its stay in Babylon, you are sorely mistaken. Btw, you should really recognize Ishtar's husband. Two very familiar names: Nimrod (who encouraged building of the Tower of Babel), who later was worshiped as Baal.

I attended a Catholic service around Christmas. They had a "Holy Family" Sunday, venerating Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. I was disgusted. This is the real "trinity" of the Catholic church. Ascribing miracles to Mary, giving her supposed authority to forgive sins. During the Nicene Creed, they instructed us to bow around the line where Mary's name was mentioned with Jesus. I refused.

The Catholic church declared modalism a heresy. But I'm thinking they're wrong. There aren't separate persons of God. God is God. Jesus is God. Holy Spirit is God. It's not a "holy family." These are all just aspects of a single God.

God has the ability to take human form and talk to us in a disguise (this is Jesus). God in his full awesome power creates the universe and is so intense that we aren't to look directly at him (Yahweh). And God is in each of us as the Holy Spirit.

We need to reject the separate persons, as shown by Catholicism and Babylonian and Egyptian cults. We need to instead understand that the three aspects or modes of God are all actually one God. What I don't agree with the modalists is that when God is one mode that he can't also be another. God doesn't "switch modes." At all times, the Holy Spirit is within us, at all times God is maintaining the universe, and whenever God wishes to talk to us directly, God speaks through Jesus. Jesus isn't really the Son of God. It's paradox loop. God is his own Son, and sorry Mary, but you're not "Mother of God." **** off.

In order to displace the Antichrist's false trinity taught by the Pope, an actual Holy Trinity must be taught from the original Old Testament understanding of God:
- Yahweh
- "A man" later mentioned as God/the Angel of the Lord (encountered a few times in Genesis)
The Angel of the Lord
- Ruach HaKodesh, the "Spirit of the Lord"

No family of ordinary humans elevated to idol status. No nonsense about Mary being full of grace. No inheritance from Egyptian or Babylonian ideas. Btw, that Revelation still mentions "the angel of the Lord" is a shibboleth. It's how we know that the person writing it has not actually found Jesus. If they had, they would know the two are one in the same, and not use this angel to spread false prophecy about a vengeful Jesus. This angel ultimately is actually Satan, because the prophecy spread does not have anything to do with God's plans. Like the false trinity, it is teaching of the secular world.
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