Sun 12 Aug, 2007 02:16 pm
I just learned he died.
One of the real estate investments he was involved with back in the early 70's was a land sale scam where he and other investors sold acres and acres of worthless desert land in this area of the country, sight unseen, to suckers all over the country and beyond at amounts hundreds and hundreds of times worth their actual value, making claims that these lands would soon be developed and improved. After close to forty years now most of this land has yet to be done so. Most of these suckers signed contracts with an improvement company that Griffin had originally set up--and later sold--in which they are obligated to pay dues for the development of these lands.
Somehow doesn't seem to be the forum to discuss such details. The man is dead, after all.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Intrepid wrote:Somehow doesn't seem to be the forum to discuss such details. The man is dead, after all.
When someone dies, whether famous or not, people go over the highlights of his life. If someone is an s.o.b. when alive, death does not automatically confer sainthood on him.
Absolutely. However, have the "facts" that were highlighted verified? Also, if this is the only "highlight" of the man's life, then something is sadly lacking. Just my
The only things I remember about Merv Griffin was his creation of some game shows, and his deal in Las Vegas that lost him loads of money.
cicerone imposter wrote:The only things I remember about Merv Griffin was his creation of some game shows, and his deal in Las Vegas that lost him loads of money.
"some game shows"???? He created only the most popular game shows in television history! If you haven't seen Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy, you haven't lived!
I haven't lived? Somebody, please give Kansas a clue about my "living."
Sorry! I wasn't trying to offend! I am just saying that just about 9/10 people you ask in America have seen or at least heard of these shows! They have made (and are still making today) television history!
I'd like to see verification of that too. Not that there is anything wrong in bringing it up, but I would like to know how much he really knew what was going on.
Needless to say, if it is true my opinion of him changes.
Bottom line, to me, Mr. Griffin was a fine entertainer - he knew his strengths and worked to them. He's made millions of people laugh and smile over the years - through his own work, the shows he created, and the clubs he ran.
He lived and worked in America - all bets are off when it comes to investments - he lived much of his live a rich man - the culmination of The American Dream.
Props to him.
One of my best friends in Hollywood and Laguna Beach in the 50's and 60's was one of Griffin's series directors and he always had great things to say about his boss. He died many years ago but Merv's death has brought back some good memories.
I agree with ehbeth, I really liked Merv Griffin. He was a great entertainer,
showed class in hosting his show and he never gossiped about his guests.
HE invented Jeopardy??? See, I answered that in the form of a question.
The thing I remember most about Merv Griffin was that my mom would take me to Arthur Treachers for fsh sammiches on Fridays when dad was away. I loved the fish with the vinegar and the chips in this rolled up newspaper thingy.
Merv was gay wasnt he? Not that theres anything wrong with that.
CalamityJane wrote:I agree with ehbeth, I really liked Merv Griffin. He was a great entertainer,
showed class in hosting his show and he never gossiped about his guests.
Ed, the friend I knew, confirmed that he was not bitchy (maybe some people's bias about a single men's nature?) about any celebrities -- seemed to me at the time that it wasn't part of Griffin's nature.
The things one learns from just starting a thread on a entertainer who died. I watch the local obituary (once in awhile) to make sure I'm still alive.
Well, I don't know if it wasn't his nature, but he was a perfect host and
entertainer, similar to Johnny Carson, who truly enjoyed talking to his
guests and hoped the audience liked it as much as he did.
Today, we're saturated by the Rosie's and Roseanne's who primarily
glow whilst bad mouthing other celebrities.
Dunno know 'bout that, but he did have this totally hot son
and Eva Gabor was his companion for many years.
My memories of him are just getting better and better.
Quote:Griffin once joked: "I know what my epitaph will read on my tombstone. I have it all written out: 'I will not be right back after this message.'"
(the dunno was to the fman's query)