Holy cow! This looks like the Green Bay game.
Mr B just suggested I could watch the game elsewhere <sniff>
Can I help it if I yell loudly when the Giants pull ahead? <harumph>
Another great game - irregardless of who wins.
I just came back to the computer after folding laundry and cleaning off the tippy top shelf of the kitchen (in order to put new stuff up there) and WHAT? It's 20 - 20. Time for me to pay attention.
Still 20-20 ... but Tynes is lining up for the FG ..................
Bad snap ... hooked left. OT.
Unfortunately for me, the game will not end tied at 20-20.
If the game ends on a FG (43), who wins ... RP (41) or George (45)?
Ditto to the smoker....
(I hate it when that happens)
Great game, even though Favre missed most of his throws as too high or too low, it was still close. He just couldn't connect.
I secretly wanted the Giants, because they beat the Cowboys.
BTW, even though Favre may play next year, I think this was his last hurrah.
let the trash-talking commence (the guy in the cubicle next to mine is a giants fan...)
I think that travelling all the way to Arizona to play a Superbowl is a waste of energy. They should meet along I 95 and play. Maybe Bridgeport or New HAven.
JPB wrote:Ticomaya wrote:If the game ends on a FG (43), who wins ... RP (41) or George (45)?
I hope you're not asking for me to explain any of this.