Finn dAbuzz wrote:Amigo wrote:What that?some kind of pedophile code word.
No thanks buddy i'm way to old for you.
You idiotic dolt.
"Kuvy" is "kuvasz," a long time poster in this forum. If you read any of the previous postings you would have known this and possibly not made the idiotic posting to which I now respond.
Let me spell it out for you:
Your post was so idiotic that I was
challenging kuvy to defend it as it, ostensibly, coincided with his own take on things.
did that
You utter, idioctic dolt.
Thanks for so clearly revealing yourself.

re: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:41 pm post.
Nicely done, if I must say so myself. I would have found it exceedingly difficult to illustrate and exemplify in a single post that which you have done so easily. You truly are a "natural," unfortunately one begs to question, a "natural" what?
A natural liar comes to mind quite quickly, and an indefensible one to boot. Especially by declaring that your lying was tit for tat morally equivalent to having me post three items ripped from the day's headlines about yet other Republican politicians being arrested for sex crimes, even though I stated quite clearly that I did not consider such reports sufficient to deduce that more Republican than Democratic politicians were sex perverts. But that I enjoyed watching Republican supporters spin these current news reports of sexual perversion by members of their Party of moral purity.
When one says another has made a declarative statement with no correspondence with truth, that is a lie, and when one admits to the lying but uses as justification for such a lie the excuse that others are lying; that is moral relativism. But you have taken the term moral relativism light-years beyond its meaning into the Constellation of Supreme Lunacy when you declare as a defense for your lies the moral equivalence of polar opposites.
This is not surprising coming from your ilk. Apparently, you have no ethics or grounding philosophy to guide you but greed and are willing to lie about anything in pursuit of your objective.
Little wonder George Bush is "da' Man" to you.
It is actually sad to read you, like a wild-eyed, gasping fish on a hook the more you struggle to untangle the illogical nonsense of your past remarks the more deeply you root the barb and let all of us watch you flounder.
btw: Congrats there fella,' not only are you are a bold-faced liar, you are a self-admitted, bold-faced liar.
Well, at least the truth shall set you free!
Again, thank you for the target practice.