Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 12:22 am
All I want to know is why.....WHY are Republicans always tryng to hump little kids?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 12:23 am
what should they hump....goats?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:54 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
kuvasz wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Or maybe Republicans have better things to do than to scour local news sources looking for democrats who have been caught. In a quick glance, most of the names on the list are local politicians/officeholders. Someone seems to have way too much time on their hands if they think putting this list together really proves anything at all. I for one have no desire to spend time doing so. I don't know whether repubs or dems assualt children in greater numbers, and frankly I don't care. As long as they are put away where they cannot do it again, I am happy.

I think the belief that one party is predisposed to molesting kids is a bunch of crock. But then that is my opinion.

Here here!

well i'm glad you agree, but it might have been a more forceful comment coming from someone whose day-job did not include working with ballon animals.

Will you ever run out of silly insults?

Why, considering the statement with which you agreed was made by an actual clown? (See below) Or are you so concerned about your own appearance around here that you think others think of you that way at the slightest reference?


Actually, it isn't the fact that these perverts are republican,

Oh no, not at all.

(but it is fun to needle your insufferable asses for supporting such perverts considering your sanctimonious attitudes towards those different or less fortunate)

What an utter crock. First of all we "asses" can hardly be so insufferable since you keeping coming back to our posts like a moth to a flame.

Its true, I do enjoy tormenting the helpless, kinda' like Bugs Bunny with Daffy Duck.

Secondly, who is supporting perverts? What conservative in this forum has supported a known and proven pervert? (I know, I know, you're capable of a childish assertion that George Bush is somehow a pervert, but try, for once, to rise above your cheap tricks).

(Actually, The Flame is a pretty good Cheap Trick tune.)

But come now Finny, your own words support the GOP in its war on America. Just like Romney's five sons support the American war in Iraq by supporting their dad's campaign; support comes in many ways, at least that's what I hear from the gutless draft-age wonderboys on the Right who support the troops but would never sign up, or do you disagree, that you don't have to write a check to help a pervert get elected?

Or is Romney wrong along with most wingnuts?

Finally, what is this sanctimonious attitude towards the different and less fortunate? At best this is a strange choice of words, but more likely simply clumsy usage.

Um, that would be…. Like… well…what Jesus preached? You know, Jesus? George Bush's fave philosopher? The poor, the young, the uneducated, the sick and socially outcast. (You know, folks "different" from you and "less fortunate?").

So actually it was quite an efficient use of word and rhetoric, but you know what the good Lord said; pearls before swine.

You can't merely wave a wand and say "ippity bippity boo, it's the free market for you," as the default solution for their problems, especially when it is not working too well.

but that they espouse political dogma that attacks their own behavior in public while doing it in private; that's the hypocrisy... and your sore spot, you just can't suffer being made fools of in public by your political fellow travelers.

Sort of like liberal Climate Change mavens who jet from rally to rally in their private planes? Or populist former NC senators who decry the rich elite while building themselves a 20,000 sf manor house?

You really ought to calm down, focus, and stick to your intended reply and not confuse yourself by trying to think too fast, you are acting, well, "Daffy" again.

You see, your method of "sort of liking" comparison is a bit too liberal, so let me try to help. You're attempting to make a moral comparison between the public acts of sexual deviance of your political allies with the personal calls for national energy efficiency or domicile floor plan selection of mine.

That is your moral comparison?

And you wonder why people laugh at your judgment around here?

btw another, and not merely a "local" pol either, again, a man with a national slot in the Republican Party political structure. and good God finally not a homo- or pedo- assault this time, just plain old man on woman rape.


The former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans admitted today that he sexually abused a colleague during a national convention here last summer.

Michael Flory, a 32-year-old attorney from Jackson, Mich., pleaded guilty to sexual battery on the day he was to stand trial for rape.

The teary-eyed college student he overpowered in a downtown hotel room gasped and dabbed her eyes as Flory replied to Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Peter Corrigan's question, "Are you indeed guilty?"

"Sure - yeah," Flory said.
Corrigan set sentencing for Sept. 13. Flory faces a sentence that ranges from probation to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
The plea bargain, she said, doesn't include any suggestion of leniency, and the state will seek incarceration. She also said she hopes to present evidence of several "other incidents of sexual misconduct" in which Flory took advantage of vulnerable young women.

The victim, who is 22, declined to speak after Flory's guilty plea.

She and some supporters lamented when the incident became public last winter that Flory and his followers within the Republican organization had been smearing her reputation in retaliation for accusing Flory of rape. Skutnik said she found that to be true.

"People were using every opportunity to try to trash her, on Web sites or whatever," the prosecutor said. "He's been running around telling everybody what a piece of trash she is, so she was very happy to see him plead guilty."

The defense can say little until sentencing, Hilow said.

"He would just like to put this in the past for everybody," the defense attorney said.

Flory gained some notoriety at age 18 when he gave a televised speech to the Republican National Convention in the Houston Astrodome in 1992. The Michigan Young Republicans' Web site once hailed him as "one of the rising stars of GOP politics in America" and declared that "Mike has earned a great name for himself."

Flory, the victim and other members of Michigan's delegation to the national Young Republicans convention were partying in the Warehouse District last July 6, police and prosecutors said. The victim became so intoxicated that she headed back to her hotel room. Flory escorted her.

But when she lay down to sleep, he "violently forced several sex acts upon her," Skutnik said.

It's hard to keep track of these Young Republican leaders without a police lineup.

According to your claims, A2K conservatives will now flock to the defense of Mr Flory.

Sometimes, as I click through your posts and find myself draining another beer so I can use the empty bottle to slam myself upside my head, I wonder if there might be a better use for my free time. But that would be missing the point.

Reading your right-wing lunacy, much like following baseball or bird-watching, rewards the patient. If you sit there long enough, you might see something you've never seen before

And so again, pray tell, from what fetid crevice in your dank and dirty mind did you pull that accusation? What "claims? did I post refering to [quote]A2K conservatives will now flock to the defense of Mr Flory.

Please show me any remark I made that said what you said I said? Not that I implied in your sick and twisted mind, but straight, a direct quote, a correspondence with the truth.

Seems you've been doing some more of that bizarre Right-Wing blame-shifting and self-justification that we love so well.

And you are a bold faced liar to boot.[/color]

Are you really suggesting that if someone was willing to take the time to do the research that they could not come up with a Democrat pervert for every Republican pervert you can trot out? Are you really trying to suggest that there are disproportionately more perverts among Republicans than Democrats?

Sweet Jesus, you may not believe I'm truly offering you any assistance but a clever person usually reads what their adversary writes before responding to it. I went over this before.

So in your mind you think that me remarking

[quote] Actually, it isn't the fact that these perverts are republican,

suggests that Republicans are more perverted than Democrats?

Actually your own remark just illustrates that Republicans like you are willing to pervert facts and the truth for personal attacks.[/color]

I doubt even you would make that claim, but you do make quite a bit out of the hypocrisy implied by Republican perverts.

Um... in case you just forgot, you just suggested above, that I did, without support.

So what are we to think of Democrat perverts?

Vote for them all the time, damned proud of it, better to have them running around the District than wanderings round the neighborhood molesting the livestock.

At least they are not hypocrites because Democrats are all for tolerating, if not embracing perversion.

Hey, when falling, tuck & dive[/quote][/quote]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 08:38 am
Zippo wrote:
It's very sad not to see too many people condemning these filthy republicans. It makes me wonder sometimes, if this is the norm or acceptable attitudes in America and here on AK2. Mad

What's actually sad is your supposition that this is somehow a partisan issue, that republicans are some sort of creature prone to molesting children. You've taken cement-headed prejudice to a new level.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:30 pm

Not ALL Republicans are pedophiles, however, most pedophiles are Republicans.

Read the OP, i have proved it.

Can you prove me wrong by posting a democratic pedophile list?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:49 pm
No they won't. But I found one. It's alot smaller. I believe there is a phenomenon between position holding Republicans and religious leaders and pedophilia. I have also found that the general public lack the ability to except disturbing truths out right. You have to ween them like children.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 03:03 pm
Amigo wrote:
All I want to know is why.....WHY are Republicans always tryng to hump little kids?

what should they hump....goats?

curiously, young goats are kids.

Actually its all Liberals fault and the promiscuousness they spread in American society is such that big, strong, and devout, Christian Republicans have been ensnared and succumbed to their baser natures, after all these young men grew up after a whole generation of women burned their bras as a sign of individual freedom, but usually this hedonistic attitude creep into that sacred act of motherhood and clearly these boys just needed a mother's love and affection at home so they started looking for it elsewhere.

It was the break-up of the family, the CHRISTIAN Family where the man is master and women subservient that has led to this.

Freedom has costs, the Women Liberation Movement caused this increase in sexual deviance, by forcing women to neglect their dutiful familial tasks and instead use their place in the marketplace in effort to show self-esteem and it's not the man's fault he wasn't loved because his own mother was likely a selfish democratic vaginofascist.

And that's why Hilary Clinton must be stopped, when working women start to emulate her vast swaths of American manhood will be left unloved with, as we have seen recently, bitter consequences.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 09:14 am
kuvasz wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Or maybe Republicans have better things to do than to scour local news sources looking for democrats who have been caught. In a quick glance, most of the names on the list are local politicians/officeholders. Someone seems to have way too much time on their hands if they think putting this list together really proves anything at all. I for one have no desire to spend time doing so. I don't know whether repubs or dems assualt children in greater numbers, and frankly I don't care. As long as they are put away where they cannot do it again, I am happy.

I think the belief that one party is predisposed to molesting kids is a bunch of crock. But then that is my opinion.

Here here!

well i'm glad you agree, but it might have been a more forceful comment coming from someone whose day-job did not include working with ballon animals.

Gosh, I stay away from this thread for just a few days and return to find out someone has decided my comments mean less because he assumes my day job is as a clown. And just for the record, I'm really not very good at balloon animals, although I do make a really good dog. And a nice flower bracelet for the girls. But other than that, I'm not so good.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 05:36 pm
Zippo wrote:

Not ALL Republicans are pedophiles, however, most pedophiles are Republicans.

Read the OP, i have proved it.

Can you prove me wrong by posting a democratic pedophile list?

The only way you could prove that "most pedophiles are republicans" is to do a complete list of EVERY pedophile in the US and list their political affiliation.

You havent done that,you just cherry picked some names.

When you research EVERY pedophile in the US,bring us that list and then try and make your point.

Till then,you are just blowing smoke.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 06:15 pm
All I know is those child molester Republicans better stay away from my kids.

and while there at it learn how to work for an honest living like the rest of the Americans.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 07:22 pm
Amigo wrote:
All I know is those child molester Republicans better stay away from my kids.

and while there at it learn how to work for an honest living like the rest of the Americans.

And therein lies the problem.
You dont think that repubs work for an honest living.

EVERY person that draws a legal paycheck is working for an honest living.
That person could be the President,or that person could be Tiger Woods.
Either way,they are making an honest living.

I think your problem is that since they are more successful then you are,or are making more money then you,that you think they arent honest.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 11:05 pm
My sources tell me republicans are pediphiles and lie to make money because the have no talent.

My sources also tell me that I make way to much money for what I do and should stop running aroun southern California like a rock star.

I have no idea where you get these spun out left/right wing senarios.

And stay away from my kids!!! And I'll have you know all my girlfreinds are 18 years old
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2007 11:22 pm
Amigo wrote:
All I know is those child molester Republicans better stay away from my kids.

Do the child molester Democrats have free rein with your kids?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 12:17 am
They are extremely few and they are really more like republicans especially in the way that they like little boys.

All the data is there. It is just now being put together.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 01:56 am
The only republican that i'd trust is a castrated one.

Most criminals join the military knowing they can get away with rape and murder of foreign people abroad.

Most Pedophiles join the republican party knowing they can get away with phedophilia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 04:23 am
That's some hard-hitting investigative reporting there, Zippo!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 06:45 am
amigo and zippo

I'm afraid I get you two guys confused. I find I have to stop and try and recall which one of you has authored some post which I'm not going to read. And it just dawned on me that it is because of that 'o' thing on the end of your names. This construction, it occurs to me upon reflection, prejudices the reader before he puts on the nose-pinchers to wade even an inch into one of your posts.

Imagine that you, while reading on a site like this, come across a couple of characters named Dweezo and Goopo. See what I mean? There's that impression that you are about to dialogue with a cartoon.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 11:22 am
In my case you are having a dialogue with a cartoon. There is very little grasp or capacity for true or relevant political conversation or analysis here.

The group I run with and take serious are the the group of people that said no WMD's would be found (this said before the war started), The claims were a farce (plame), The war would be a disaster, The administration had a conflict of interest. and that the war would cost five times more then estimated. All this info before the war broke out.

While A2Kers were cheering Bush, waiving American flags made in china, checking there mail for anthrax and whatever else stupid ass people do when they allow themselves to be swepped up by nationalism I was working for the outlets that introduced what today are the big topics of disscussion on A2K. What was that 6 years ago.

You are wise to ignore me because I am mocking you. I mock my fellow Americans because I am chained to a mass of idiots. Iv'e speant to much time putting pearls before swine.

So continue. And I will continue reading what you will be talking about in the years to come.

Most likley you and the rest of the A2K political crowd were on the edge of their seat when Colin Powell addressed the United Nations in hi case for war.


In fact I think he used some cartoons. We knew right then that that was the low point. I'm sure you all remember Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 01:29 pm
blatham wrote:
amigo and zippo

I'm afraid I get you two guys confused. I find I have to stop and try and recall which one of you has authored some post which I'm not going to read. And it just dawned on me that it is because of that 'o' thing on the end of your names. This construction, it occurs to me upon reflection, prejudices the reader before he puts on the nose-pinchers to wade even an inch into one of your posts.

Imagine that you, while reading on a site like this, come across a couple of characters named Dweezo and Goopo. See what I mean? There's that impression that you are about to dialogue with a cartoon.

And how does that prove most Republicans arn't pedophiles?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 01:53 pm
Zippo wrote:

And how does that prove most Republicans arn't pedophiles?

No no, it doesn't work that way. You made a claim, now back it up. And
that list will not prove anything to most people I'm afraid. If you wanted
to really prove that republicans are pedophiles, you'd have to
perform a study that linked the political wing to sexual attraction to
children (or whatever goes on in the minds of pedophiles).

You are free to claim anything you want, but don't expect anyone to listen to you.
0 Replies

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