age of consent

Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 12:01 pm
Must really suck to be an insecure little prick who is afraid of women. If you do a little reasearch, there's plenty of info out there that will walk you through the process of how you may actually attract WOMEN to f*ck you.

I'd say some people just really need a beating, but it wouldn't do any good. 12 year olds??? I hope you get your ass thrown in jail for that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 12:05 pm
Now, if I'd have thought of that reply in the first place, I'd have saved a lot of time. Nice one.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 04:47 pm
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
Must really suck to be an insecure little prick who is afraid of women. If you do a little reasearch, there's plenty of info out there that will walk you through the process of how you may actually attract WOMEN to f*ck you.

I'd say some people just really need a beating, but it wouldn't do any good. 12 year olds??? I hope you get your ass thrown in jail for that.

Haha. That is a good one. You know Slappy Doo Hoo, its perps like agrote (whatever) that keep shows like Dateline on the air.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 04:51 pm
Grow up
I am tired of investing knowledge into this black hole. But, as an afterthought, sex with a minor could get you killed. Even if she wanted it and begged for it, she could tell her next lover you raped her and he could destroy you. Why not learn to be a grown up? Childhood is over for you. Let it go.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 05:20 pm
If you want girls with no asses and chests like a 9 year old boy, just go after Chinese broads.
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Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2007 01:47 am
asian girls are the hawtness yo.
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Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 12:26 am
There are a few things that bother me about this :

1. Just because you sexually desire someone, does not mean you NEED to have sex with them. You have the ability to control your own actions.

2. It seems part of human nature, that people try to justify their actions, no matter how bad or evil their actions are.

3. When someone wants something bad enough, they will filter any arguments against it, ignoring said arguments, or re-arranging said arguments to justify their stance. Reality is irrelevant to this, and perception is everything.

4. You will see what you want to see when you approach a child for sex. Your arguments against people explaining the associated problems show this.

Just because you think the world is a certain way (irrespective of what others say or think), does not make it so. Just because you want to convince yourself that a child is capable of giving consented sex with you, does not make it so. Just because you wish to convince yourself that you will not cause any harm, does not make it so.

As a matter of interest, I have noted on a number of occasions paedophiles, when they have been caught, have managed to justify their actions to themselves as being both as nature intended, and right....humans it seems, feel a need to justify the 'goodness' of their soul to themselves - to see themselves as good.

5. The decision making ability of humans doesn't reach its peak until about 21-25 years of age. This is due to biological/physiological reasons as well as lack of experience.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 07:50 am
Homosexuals don't choose their condition, of course, and there isn't much they can do to alter it. And it's true they must live with it. But then, homosexuality is not a disease or a psychological disorder, according to APA. But the condition you seem to have is an abnormal one, we can see that. It might have developed naturally (your genes or maybe some hormonal dysfunction, or simply a neurochemical thing that occured spontaneously) , and I can believe you didn't force yourself into it, but it's NOT normal. Don't bother with changing the laws; they don't change laws to suit the needs of the psychologically challenged.

If you think you are fine living with it, it's your choice. Just don't physically materialize your fantasies. But if you have the wisdom to realize that this can hamper your progress (you are only twenty), you should seek medical attention. Homosexuals can't do much about their condition, but you definitely can.

And I, honestly, think that it's going to be very difficult to push through life with this kind of thing. Don't you want to get married and have a nice little family?!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:07 am
(Sorry for the delayed responses; only just got back from holiday.)

Debra Law wrote:
Sex with a 12 year old is wrong. The fact that you don't think it's wrong is troubling. You have a predator mentality.

I'm sorry that it troubles you. I don't have a violent mentality or an inability to repress my desires or channel them into harmless and legal activities, so please don't worry about me.

I should clarify that I don't think that sexual intercourse with prepubescent children should be allowed, and many 12 year old girls might not yet have reached puberty. I'm not personally attracted to prepubescent children... most of the girls I like are around 13/14 rather than 12. I said I like girls as young as 12, but it's probably only rare that I'm attracted to a 12 year old.
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Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:13 am
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
Must really suck to be an insecure little prick who is afraid of women. If you do a little reasearch, there's plenty of info out there that will walk you through the process of how you may actually attract WOMEN to f*ck you.

I'd say some people just really need a beating, but it wouldn't do any good. 12 year olds??? I hope you get your ass thrown in jail for that.

I don't see why you feel the need to insult me just because you don't agree with me. I wouldn't do that to you. If you want to have a sensible discussion, I'll be happy to listen to your views.

It worries me that you think I "need a beating", and that you hope I go to prison just for starting a thread on an internet forum. Maybe you should look carefully at your own views before you insult mine.
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Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:20 am
Re: Grow up
rhachis wrote:
Why not learn to be a grown up? Childhood is over for you. Let it go.

I am a grown-up. I have a degree from a good university, I live away from home with some other grown-ups, I drink tea and read the news, I have a bad back... what's missing?

What makes you think I'm clinging to my childhood?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:22 am
I have heard through reliable sources that the "virgin" Mary was only between 12 and 13. She was considered speciql because she was a virgin. Now it's illegal NOT to be a virgin at that age!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:33 am
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
If you want girls with no asses and chests like a 9 year old boy, just go after Chinese broads.

THanks for the advice, but I like girls with breasts and hips.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:35 am
Contrary to popular belief, most Chinese women also have breasts and hips. I was married to one.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 11:46 am
vikorr wrote:
1. Just because you sexually desire someone, does not mean you NEED to have sex with them. You have the ability to control your own actions.

I agree. My argument is that consentual sex with adolescents should be allowed, not that it NEEDs to happen.

2. It seems part of human nature, that people try to justify their actions, no matter how bad or evil their actions are.

3. When someone wants something bad enough, they will filter any arguments against it, ignoring said arguments, or re-arranging said arguments to justify their stance. Reality is irrelevant to this, and perception is everything.

Yes, I'm sure people do. But that doesn't mean that it's what I'm doing. Some people will reject arguments or evidence purely because it doesn't fit in with their beliefs, but I try my best not to do that. I care very much about the truth. If I'm wrong, I want to know.

In this thread I've tried to deal with every argument that has been made against me, and when people have linked me to evidence contradicting my beliefs, I have read what I have had time to read. I'm trying my best to get at the truth of the matter; I'm not just trying to assert my own beliefs as absolute truths. I understand that I'm a fallible human being and I'm not always right.

But I still believe that sex with adolescents can be a harmless pursuit, and that consentual sex with adolescents should be accepted by society. You haven't managed to show me that this is not the case.

I'll respond to the rest of your post after I eat dinner...
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Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 12:42 pm
vikorr wrote:
4. You will see what you want to see when you approach a child for sex. Your arguments against people explaining the associated problems show this.

I wouldn't approach a child 'for sex'. If I met an adolescent girl with whom there was a mutual attraction, I'd consider dating her or forming a relationship, and then sex would be something that might come later. I have actually met one or two young girls who seemed to flirt with me and take a liking to me (a 13 year old girl when I was about 17, and a 15ish-year-old when I was about 18/19). But nothing actually happened... partly due to shyness and partly fear of getting caught, or just of people knowing that I liked young girls (family members etc.)... I've only ever 'come out' to a few close friends.

Anyway, my point is that I would never 'approach someone for sex', let alone a 'child'. I'm not that kind of person.

Just because you think the world is a certain way (irrespective of what others say or think), does not make it so.

I agree, but nor does it make it not so.

Just because you want to convince yourself that a child is capable of giving consented sex with you, does not make it so.

Ditto. You're just using rhetoric here, rather than actually arguing that I am guilty of these crimes of bias and ignorance.

Just because you wish to convince yourself that you will not cause any harm, does not make it so.

Ditto again.

As a matter of interest, I have noted on a number of occasions paedophiles, when they have been caught, have managed to justify their actions to themselves as being both as nature intended, and right...

Yes, and there are two explanations for this. 1) They are deluding themselves, because they "feel a need to justify the 'goodness' of their soul to themselves - to see themselves as good." 2) They are actually right... perhaps paedophilia and/or ephebophilia (remember that I only wish to defend the latter) is as natural as normal heterosexuality or homosexuality, and perhaps sex with minors is not wrong.

Watch what happens if I replace 'paedophiles' with 'homosexuals' (imagine this being said 40+ years ago):

I have noted on a number of occasions that homosexuals, when they have been caught, have managed to justify their actions to themselves as being both as nature intended, and right...

Do homosexuals just "feel a need to justify the 'goodness' of their soul to themselves - to see themselves as good", or is it actually true that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and that it is as nature intended? I think we'd both agree that the latter is true.

So what's different about ephebophilia? You haven't told me in this post... this post does not succeed as an argument against permitting ephebophilia.

5. The decision making ability of humans doesn't reach its peak until about 21-25 years of age. This is due to biological/physiological reasons as well as lack of experience.

Yet we still assume that under-21s are perfectly capable of making all kinds of decisions, such as choosing which university to go to or whether to join the school football team. And I think that under-21s are also capable of making decisions about sex. What point are you making?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 12:54 pm
Development of Reasoning and Judgement
please read the thread at thye following link:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:06 pm
spidergal wrote:
Homosexuals don't choose their condition, of course, and there isn't much they can do to alter it. And it's true they must live with it. But then, homosexuality is not a disease or a psychological disorder, according to APA. But the condition you seem to have is an abnormal one, we can see that. It might have developed naturally (your genes or maybe some hormonal dysfunction, or simply a neurochemical thing that occured spontaneously) , and I can believe you didn't force yourself into it, but it's NOT normal.

Well it depends what you mean by 'normal'. Ephebophilia seems to be fairly common. I knew of at least 4 or 5 boys at my school who had a preference for girls aged 12-15 (when the boys were aged 15-18). That's just anecdotal evidence, of course, but there are other indications that ephebophilia is fairly widespread, such as the demand for non-nude adolescent modelling websites.

So if by 'normal' you mean 'common', then I'd say ephebophilia is pretty normal. But you probably mean something else... what?

Don't bother with changing the laws; they don't change laws to suit the needs of the psychologically challenged.

But they do change the laws to suit the needs of the psychologically 'different'. E.g. homosexuals. They are psychologically different to heterosexuals, and the law was changed to suit their needs.

What makes you think ephebophiles are 'psychologically challenged'?

If you think you are fine living with it, it's your choice.

No it isn't. I have to live with it.

Just don't physically materialize your fantasies. But if you have the wisdom to realize that this can hamper your progress (you are only twenty), you should seek medical attention. Homosexuals can't do much about their condition, but you definitely can.

But my condition is not recognised as an illness in this country. What medical attention could I be given even if it was? What makes you think I can do something about my condition? I'm certain that I'm stuck with it. If I'm wrong, then tell me what you know.

And I, honestly, think that it's going to be very difficult to push through life with this kind of thing. Don't you want to get married and have a nice little family?!

Perhaps. I am very much intersted in love, and it's a disease I've suffered from a few times, always with girls my own age. I am attracted to some girls my age and older. It's very rare, but the fact that I am able to find such girls attractive (certainly in romantic sense if not a physical sense) suggests that if I formed a relationship with an adolescent girl it could potentially last indefinitely.

Most 20 year olds are not sexually attracted to 60 year olds, but that doesn't mean they can't form a relationship with a 20 year old that lasts into their 60s. Silmilarly, I'd be happy to have a relationship with an adolescent girl that would last beyond her adolescence. So marriage and kids would still be a possibility.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:09 pm
NickFun wrote:
Contrary to popular belief, most Chinese women also have breasts and hips. I was married to one.

Hehe, I didn't mean to imply that they don't. I was just establishing that I don't like "girls with no asses and chests like a 9 year old boy".
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 01:17 pm
Re: Development of Reasoning and Judgement
Ragman wrote:
please read the thread at thye following link:


Thanks, I've just read it. But it doesn't really say anything that I didn't already know. As I said before...

Yet we still assume that under-21s are perfectly capable of making all kinds of decisions, such as choosing which university to go to or whether to join the school football team. And I think that under-21s are also capable of making decisions about sex. What point are you making?

Surely you can't be suggesting that we should not allow teenagers to make ANY decisions for themselves. If teenagers should be allowed to make some decisions, you need an independent reason to support the claim that they shoul;d not be allowed to make decisions about sex.

If a general deficit in decision-making skills is reason enough to ban adolescents from deciding about sex, then it must be reason enough to ban them from deciding what to eat, or whether to join the scouts, or anything at all. You need to show me that adolescents have a sepcific deficit in sexual decision-making.
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