cyphercat wrote:Maybe this is completely off-base, but you are only 20, after all, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I wonder if you're maybe a not-so-experienced 20-year-old. Have you had very many relationships? Isn't there a chance that you're still really kind of--well, not to be condescending-- but a bit immature yourself? 20 is very young anyway, and especially if you haven't had a lot of relationships, I think part of this might be that your "emotional age" is not really in sync with your chronological age.
You're right that I'm inexperienced, and I'm sure that at 20 I'm bound to be immature to some extent, compared to someone older. My frontal lobe isn't fully developed either. And it's possible that those are the reasons for my sexuality, but I think that's just speculation. Many 20-year-old virgins want adult women with large breasts, so I'm not sure that lack of experience necessarily breeds people like me. And I wouldn't say I'm particularly immature for my age... I definitely consider myself an adult now.
Anyway, so what you suggest is possible, but I personally doubt it. My attraction to young girls doesn't feel like something circumstantial. I see them, their size and shape, etc., and it just fits... just as an average man might respond sexuality to cues such as large breasts, child-bearing hips and so on, I respond that way to smaller breasts and bums and other cues of youngness. I think that my sexuality is phenomenologically equivalent to what a gay man must feel looking at other men.
And my particular sexuality began at puberty and has remained constant, which suggests that it's as biologically innate as normal sexuality. At 12-14 I was attracted to schoolmates, and then I can remember as young as 15 finding myself attracted to girls who were unusually young (say 12 or 13). I had a friend who I noticed had the same preference for girls whose breasts had not fully developed, and we both knew that we had this preference but were reluctant to say it out loud because we knew how unusual and taboo it was, even at 15.
So I still think (although I don't know for sure) that my sexuality is basically something innate and which has been with me since the onset of puberty, just like like other sexual preferences normally are (e.g. homosexuals often report knowing at age 11 that they were gay). I think it's mostly nature rather than nurture.
Quote:When I put aside my discomfort with your comments regarding whether consent is necessary (which, to my mind, is the main thing you've said which makes this so worrisome, but I'm going to tell myself that that was just an academic point for you)...
That definitely was an academic point. I mean, I found the argument in an academic book (about sexual ethics). And it wasn't pro-paedophilia/hebephilia propoganda; the book actually argued that paedophilia is wrong because there is an imbalance of power. But before making that conclusion, the author argued that issues of consent collapse into issues of whether harm is caused, or whether good can come out of the action. Children often do not want to take baths, but forcing them to do so is not abusive because it does not harm them and it is actually good for them. Consent is only important if the behaviour being consented to is harmful or non-beneficial. Do you see what I mean? So what matters in the present debate is whether sex with adolescents is actually harmful. If it is harmful, then consent is very important, and if it is not harmful, consent is only as important as it is for other harmless things like hugs or handshakes.
I can see why the argument sent a shiver up your spine, but I think my limited ability to explain myself is the reason for that. The argument itself isn't really all that chilling if you think about it... it might be a bad argument, and you're entitled to disagree with it, but it's just a philosopher's attempt to pick apart the ethical issues surrounding underage sex and determine exactly what is wrong about it, if anything. The philosopher did not have any sinister thoughts or intentions in making that argument; it was just a piece of philosophy, and an attempt to get at the truth. Think of it as like a mathematical equation.
Quote:You mention that you can be attracted to girls your own age as well, correct? So why are you so certain that the range of ages that you find appealing won't age as you yourself age and mature?
I am attracted to girls my own age, but not very often. I think that's one of the main reasons for my lack of sexual experience; I only come across a limited number of 20-ish girls who I am attracted to, so I only have a limited number of oppurtunities to find a girlfriend. I know this sounds weird and maybe a bit creepy, but I see most 'girls' my age as being a bit too womanly... the 20-year-old girls I tend to like are the ones that look a bit more girlish, and less like adults.
I'm certain that as I grow older, I will continue to be attracted to some women my age, if mainly on an emotional rather than physical level. But since my strong sexual (and emotional) attraction to adolescents has remained constant for about 8 years, I'd be surprised if it that starts to change. I'm past puberty now so I can't see why I'd undergo any such significant psychosexual 'development'. I was googling hebephilia the other day and came across a 30-year-old man who was making similar arguments and claims to the one's I've made here (this is his website: I suspect that this is something I won't grow out of.