age of consent

Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:23 pm
Roberta, could you link me to the whole article? Interesting stuff... soudns like more research needs to be done, though.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:27 pm
agrote wrote:
cyphercat wrote:
You keep talking about post-pubescence, but you also say 12-13 is the age you are interested in. How can you try to claim that this age range is generally post-pubescent??

Sorry, I wasn't being very precise with my terminology. The age range I'm most interested in is probably more like 12-16ish, so to be precise I'd say I'm attracted to both pubescent and post-pubescent girls (not pre-pubescent girls).

All right, so now it's girls who are still in puberty. Are you able to admit that a child who is not even through with puberty is not ready for sexual activity?


Besides that issue, let me respond to this:

agrote wrote:
[. . .] let me just emphasise that I really honestly didn't choose to be the way I am. It might be pathological... I don't believe that it is, but I could well be wrong. But I am genuinely attracted to girls of that age, and I can't help it (as far as I'm aware). I'm sure you all realise that, but I just thought I'd be clear because some people might think that my desires are somehow immoral. Acting on my desires is arguably immoral, but my desires themselves are accidental and so I am not doing anything 'wrong' merely holding those desires and not acting on them.[/b]
(emphasis mine)

The problem is that this thread is clearly your attempt to convince-- well, us ostensibly, but I suspect you also want to convince yourself-- someone that acting on your desires is all right.

You are considering acting on these desires. You MUST give up making arguments and justifications, and accept that your desire to do this is clouding your judgement, and get help before you convince yourself that this is okay.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:27 pm
Re: Sex with minors
rhachis wrote:
Having sex with female children does increase their risk of cervical cancer.

Source please.

Children of age 10-18, do not have full executive functioning of their brains. They are functioning in a similar state as a person who has had a frontal lobe brain injury. The reason the law states that they cannot give consent is because their brains are not "grown up" yet.

1) Consent is not what's important. Whether sex with minors causes harm is all that matters. You don't have to consent to a birthday present. Birthday presents are not abusive because they are not harmful. If you're right about the cancer risk, then that's very important.

2) Children of age 10-18 can consent to haircuts, sandwiches, invitations, exams, and lots of other things. Why does consent to sex require full executive functioning?
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:28 pm
First, consent and harm are equally important considerations. This is a point which people have been hammering at you: that an adolescent might consent to something that would do her harm, because she gave in to coercion, because she thought it would "cool" and adult, because she mistakenly thought it would be fun, not realizing the pain and distress it would cause her. You can't separate the issues of consent and harm when you are speaking of adolescent girls.

You continue to ignore what everyone has told you to the effect that a 13 year old girl is not capable of giving her informed consent. This can only be told to you so many times and in so many ways. You continue to argue this and many other points which are made to you because you are obsessed with an idea and want to attempt to rationalize it, so you consistently fail to acknowledge what is being told you about 13 year olds and consent and harm.

Don't attempt to dodge the issue by talking about casual sex. Nothing about sex is casual to a 13 year old, and there is no such thing as informed consent from a 13 year old. Let's put this in perspective. If you truly had an affectionate regard for a 13 year old, would you be willing to wait until she were 18 years of age to consummate a sexual relationship? Rather, you would want to insist upon the sexual relationship now, because it is the pubescent girl which attracts you, and not the person. This is about the most blatantly egregious example of objectifying a female (one can hardly call a 13 year old a woman) of which i can think.

At no time did i state or imply that you hate women, or that making a sexual object of a 13 year old equates with hating women. Don't try to clutter this with straw men. Objectifying a woman, or female child of 13, is not evidence that you hate them, it is simply evidence that you don't see them as real people. It is evidence that the only thing which matters to you is tickling your penis in a particular way with a particular category of female--not a person whom you love, just someone who meets a particular description.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:35 pm
Re: Sex with minors
agrote wrote:
1) Consent is not what's important.

The hell you say.

Whether sex with minors causes harm is all that matters. You don't have to consent to a birthday present. Birthday presents are not abusive because they are not harmful. If you're right about the cancer risk, then that's very important.

2) Children of age 10-18 can consent to haircuts, sandwiches, invitations, exams, and lots of other things. Why does consent to sex require full executive functioning?

You are a f*cking idiot--you are way off the deep end. One can only hope that you get locked up for something else before you act on your fantasies and rape a child emotionally and physically, all the while telling yourself it's OK.

You're one sick puppy. I'm through with you.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:38 pm

and off the american cancer site...http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/prevention/cervical/Patient/page2

Sexual History: HPV infections that cause cervical cancer are spread mainly through sexual contact. Women who begin having sexual intercourse at an early age and women who have had many sexual partners are at a greater risk of HPV infection and developing cervical cancer. Some methods used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) reduce the risk of cervical cancer. The use of barrier methods of birth control and/or gels that kill sperm offer some protection but do not completely protect against STDs.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:40 pm
cyphercat wrote:
Are you able to admit that a child who is not even through with puberty is not ready for sexual activity?

No, I'm not sure about that. I don't know enough to say whether or not such people are ready for sex. And I don't think there's any definite point at which puberty ends.

You are considering acting on these desires. You MUST give up making arguments and justifications, and accept that your desire to do this is clouding your judgement, and get help before you convince yourself that this is okay.

I really don't think that my desires are clouding my judgement. Certainly my desires are motivating me to discuss the issue, and to want the law to be changed. But I don't think that my logic is flawed.

If you accept my premises, then I think that my conclusion is fairly sound. IF sex with minors causes no significant physical or psychological harm, THEN sex with minors should be deemed acceptable. I don't expect you to agree that no harm is caused, but do you at least agree that if no harm were caused, then sex with minors would be okay?

I am honestly being open-minded about this... I have doubts. Some people have put forward evidence that might suggest that harm is caused when minors have sex, and I am open to that possibility. I might be wrong. But I haven't any conclusive evidence yet.

As for the idea that I should seek help... help with what? What could they do? I don't think that my sexual desire is a fetish. Some people are turned on by leather because they associate it with other, sexual, things. I am turned on by young girls in-themselves. I am attracted to them in the same way that I am attracted to certain adults; it's phenomenologically the same. This has led me to believe that this is innate rather than learned; like being homosexual. No amount of therapy could change it, just as no amount of therapy can stop someone being gay.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:41 pm
agrote wrote:
sozobe wrote:
You are proposing that you are able to make the determination ahead of time.

What determination?

The determination as to whether the girl in question will end up enjoying the experience or be damaged by the experience. You seem to be willing to risk it. That's chilling.

The consequences of you making the WRONG determination -- of deciding that she'll enjoy it, and being proven wrong -- are so far beyond the consequences of being taken to a movie that turns out to be boring. Do you see this, at all?

(Fishin's doing a far better job than I am of trying to talk some sense into you so I'll defer to him.)
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:42 pm
yes I was serious about getting parental consent.

However, as you put it, that would be a big hassle, and anyway, they would most likely not allow it.

So, your attraction isn't strong enough to go through the people responsible for the welfare of the child?

Hassle might be a tad understated as far as the parents reaction to you.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:42 pm
Children cannot give consent as I have already stated. Sex without consent is rape. Therefore sex with a minor is rape. Clear enough?

The 2 brain development sites are easy reading, but you need to read them.

I guess my question to you is what happened to you at 12-13 that might be tied to this desire?
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:52 pm
Setanta, there's only so many times I can tell you that I do see young girls as human beings and I do respect them. I can't prove this to you, all I can do is repeat it. I am not lying.

Setanta wrote:
You continue to ignore what everyone has told you to the effect that a 13 year old girl is not capable of giving her informed consent.

No I don't...

You continue to argue this and many other points...

...see? I continue to argue. I don't ignore.

If you truly had an affectionate regard for a 13 year old, would you be willing to wait until she were 18 years of age to consummate a sexual relationship?

Yes. I'm sure that you don't believe me, but I can't help that. I have been in love with people my own age, so a romantic sort of relationship for me has less to do with physical attraction. I am more physically attracted to younger girls, but if I fell in love with a young girl and she was not ready for sex then I would be willing to wait.

Rather, you would want to insist upon the sexual relationship now, because it is the pubescent girl which attracts you, and not the person. This is about the most blatantly egregious example of objectifying a female (one can hardly call a 13 year old a woman) of which i can think.

But fortunately, you just made that up. It doesn't actually apply to me at all. You don't know me... you're making assumptions about me which just have no basis.

Objectifying a woman, or female child of 13, is not evidence that you hate them, it is simply evidence that you don't see them as real people. It is evidence that the only thing which matters to you is tickling your penis in a particular way with a particular category of female--not a person whom you love, just someone who meets a particular description.

Okay. But I do not objectify anyone, and tickling my penis is not the only thing that matters to me. Love is more important to me than lust, but lust is a very powerful thing.

Just because I've identified 12-16ish as the age range of girls that I tend to be more attracted to, this does not mean I am attracted to them because of their age. I'm not attracted to all 13-year-old girls. I am attracted to particular young girls, just as you are attracted to particular adults. And I am attracted to them because of them, not because they 'meet a particular description'.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:54 pm
Re: Sex with minors
Setanta wrote:
You are a f*cking idiot--you are way off the deep end. One can only hope that you get locked up for something else before you act on your fantasies and rape a child emotionally and physically, all the while telling yourself it's OK.

You're one sick puppy. I'm through with you.

I would never rape anyone. I just wouldn't. You've got me all wrong.

If I'm sick, that's not my fault is it. And you don't treat illnesses with prison sentences.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:55 pm
rhachis wrote:

and off the american cancer site...http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/prevention/cervical/Patient/page2

Sexual History: HPV infections that cause cervical cancer are spread mainly through sexual contact. Women who begin having sexual intercourse at an early age and women who have had many sexual partners are at a greater risk of HPV infection and developing cervical cancer. Some methods used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) reduce the risk of cervical cancer. The use of barrier methods of birth control and/or gels that kill sperm offer some protection but do not completely protect against STDs.

Thanks for that. I'd be interested to know how greatly contraception can reduce the risk.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:56 pm
Sex with Minors
Sex with minors creates grown-ups with sexual problems. Children who have sex as minors (willingly or not) with adults will experience some of, but are not limited to items in the following list:

Eating Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction
Panic Disorders

The reason is that once their brains are fully developed, and they are able to reason, they will realize they were taken advantage of by an adult.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:57 pm
agrote wrote:
fishin wrote:
The DSM-IV lists the 8 most prevelant paraphillas. That doesn't mean that there aren't others.

Nor does it mean that ephebophilia is one of the others.

No. You're right. My statement in itself doens't mena that it is one of the others. The page I linked to however, does list it as one of the others. That's why I listed it for you.

That website just describes what ephebophilia is. Where does it say that I have some kind of mental problem?

I don't know how much more of a hint you'd need. It's a site that specifially covers mental health disorders related to depression. Do you honestly think they listed it because it is unrelated?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 05:59 pm
sozobe wrote:
The determination as to whether the girl in question will end up enjoying the experience or be damaged by the experience. You seem to be willing to risk it. That's chilling.

The consequences of you making the WRONG determination -- of deciding that she'll enjoy it, and being proven wrong -- are so far beyond the consequences of being taken to a movie that turns out to be boring. Do you see this, at all?

Yes, I see that. I'm not planning to do anything illegal. If the law were reviewed, then it would need to be based on research into the extent of any damage that might be caused by underage sex.

I understand that my own judgement is fallible, and if I were ever to sleep with a young girl I would have to be extremely careful about the consequences for her.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:00 pm
Here's the link:


As a former 13-year-old girl, you scare me. When I think back to the way I was then, I realize that I knew nothing and thought I knew it all. I'm glad I didn't have to make a decision about having sex when I was still a child.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:01 pm
Chai wrote:
So, your attraction isn't strong enough to go through the people responsible for the welfare of the child?

I think I'd have to be in love.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:01 pm
I have the DSM-IV right in front of me. It is the Bible for psychologists and psychiatrists.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:03 pm
Re: Consent
rhachis wrote:
Children cannot give consent as I have already stated. Sex without consent is rape. Therefore sex with a minor is rape. Clear enough?

That's a sound argument, but I disagree with the first premise, as you know.

The 2 brain development sites are easy reading, but you need to read them.

Thanks, I'll read them when I get the chance.

I guess my question to you is what happened to you at 12-13 that might be tied to this desire?

No idea. Any suggestions?
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