ok littlek, I can't tell you how glad you posted. Thank you.
I was thinking that everyone was looking at this briefly and thinking "What a wingnut" before
and moving on.
whew....now I feel freer to describe in more detail.
While this is a truly holistic thing, everything effecting eveything else (it's your entire body for heavens sake) it's in no way all "out there" no waving smoking sage over me or discussing my chakras.
Before each session starts, Sandy has me stand/walk around to see how I'm moving. I said to her yesterday "there's parts of me that I feel some strain on (lower back) that I didn't before and find myself on purpose moving a part of my body you've worked on back into it's former position to relieve it. It takes a conscious effort to let's say, slightly bend my left knee again, and it doesn't really help the back that much. It feels like my lower back is saying it wants my knee to return to the wrong position, because it's in the wrong position."
"That's really close" she said.
One thing I like about this is the education she gives. I'm someone who likes to visualize what's going on. I asked her how she can get everything in the right place when, basically, everything effects everything....I kinda knew some of the answer, as when she's working on one side, she then examines me....goes to the other side....examines her work...then goes back to refine the first again...kinda like cooking...a little of this, a little of that...now I have to go back and add a little more of this.
She explain the your body has multiple layers, and just because something is wrong in "layer 2" on one side, "layer 4" might be compensating on the other.
OK, that gets to sound kinda weird, but just think about it...
(these are my words)
If you hurt let's say your right ankle, well your left hip might compensate. Because your left hip is compensating, your right shoulder compensates for the left hip....then, later on, you hurt your left knee...your right shoulder wants to compensate, but it's already busy compensating for your left hip, so it goes to another layer to compensate for itself, the hip and the knee.
I know, wacky. But as things get opened up, you really see changes in a totally (you thought) unrelated area.
The word "open" is important. You know how when you stretch a leg or your back you think stretching the muscle is like pulling on a rubber band? Well, here's where the rolfing is completely different. It's not stretching the muscle, it's opening it from the facia....I visualize it like an accordian.
This morning, I worked on stretching my back, but really, I've got to change that term in my mind...it was definately more like "opening" my back.
Picture a closed accordian file with one end at the top of you back, and the other end on you tail bone. As you move, bend I can feel the muscle opening up, like the accordian file would, creating more space.
Every morning when I get out of bed, I've been facing the grabbing the underside of the bed frame, crouching and trying to get my hips to drop. Even after the little bit she did on my back yesterday, there's a big difference. Today, when I crouched, my back opened up, and my butt/hips literally just "dropped", because the back doesn't have such a tight grip on the hips, it's accordioning open, creating the length.
One other thing. Each time I go, at some point I thing "wow, I'm gonna have a bruise there." Yesterday, working up and down my inner thighs, pressing on the inside of the knees, I was sure I'd be black and blue....not a mark.
The purpose of the inner thigh work, as near as I can make it....your inner knee has tendons/muscles that all start at one point, then radiate upwards into a fan going into the groin/hip area. She was working on opening the fan.
She said this last session, the 4th, was really the beginning of the true Core work.