General Petraeus on the conditions on the ground in Iraq

Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:52 am
parados wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
parados wrote:
Well MM.. it seems you lied about him not being in the military database.

Now we should just let you skate on that lie and move on to your next round of making up stuff?

I did not lie.
I did not find his name when I did a quick look.
There is a difference.
IF this person actually is in the military,then I will admit I was wrong.
Yeah, the difference is you didn't do any due diligence before claiming something didn't exist that did.


Now,are you willing to address the things that he says happened that could NOT have happened,either because the things he mentioned dont exist or are not physically possible?
I am curious how you think soldiers get their helmets on and off MM. It is entirely possible to put something on top of your head and pull the helmet on over the top of it. The helmet might not fit well and might be uncomfortable but to claim he can't do it is to deny reality. It was a small portion of the skull, I doubt it was more than 1/4" thick and the person that did it said he would have to pick bone out of his scalp meaning the helmet pushed the skull portion tighter against his own head. Not impossible at all. Again, you have presented an argument that it was "impossible' while in reality it is not only possible but probable that it could be done.

I will be glad to post the articles he wrote and let you try and defend obvious lies,like when he claims that someone picked up a 9 millimeter round with a "square back" that he claims came from a Glock?
Please do post them. I will be happy to see what was "impossible" and what you just don't want to believe no matter what the reality is.


n Baghdad, a busted infrastructure has left entire neighborhoods navigable by vehicle only. The sector we soldiers patrol is known unaffectionately as "Little Venice" because of the dark brown rivers of sewage that backwash from broken pipes. The biggest fear in these parts isn't sniper fire or IEDs, but a flat tire that forces you to wade through the reeking fluids. Occasionally, that fear is realized--like on the day when I met Ali.

When pulling security for a crew that's changing a tire, you need to make sure that your head is constantly moving, if only to provide snipers with the illusion that you're paying attention. It's especially important to keep up the movement when talking to local nationals (LNs). There are very few we trust to give us accurate information about insurgents; they usually just complain about big issues that are out of our hands.

It was during one of these head-swiveling sessions that a short but unusually healthy-looking Iraqi kid approached out of my periphery wearing an Adidas hat and snowboarding t-shirt, his lower torso swallowed by one of Little Venice's excrement canals. It was no surprise that he spoke some English. Every Iraqi can speak English well enough to ask for things they want from American soldiers.

"Mistah Mistah, give me $50," he demanded, somewhat politely compared with other children. But I was still taken aback by the sum.

"Oh, hell no. ... Are you kidding?" I began laughing, and he joined in, aware that the amount he had requested was outrageous.

"Yes, I know," he said, placing his right hand over his heart the way Iraqis do when they greet you formally or apologize for something. "What is your name?"

"My name's Scott. What's yours?" My head was still on a swivel, and I was pacing in slow arcs back and forth between the pit crew changing the tire and a small alley jutting off to the left. Alleys are a prime spot for people to lean out of, shoot a rocket-propelled grenade from, and then disappear back into.

"Here, in Iraq, my name is Ali. But, in California, my name is James Bond."

"No way ... that's awesome!"

"Yes, are you from California?"

"No, I'm from St. Louis." He wrinkled his nose in confusion, the way most Iraqis do when I tell them that I'm from St. Louis.

"It's near Chicago."

"Ah, yes, Chicago. ... Go Cubs."

"How do you know so much about America? How do you speak English so well?"

"My family lives in Los Angeles. In California."

"No ****. ... Do you want to move there someday?"

"Yes, I will. Then I will do this..." and he pointed at me.

"What? Join the Army?"


"Don't. Go to college instead." Maybe his English wasn't as accomplished as I had assumed, because he seemed confused.

"Look, look ..." he said, taking a piece of chalk out of his pocket and wading over to a crumbling brick wall. He wrote "USA" backward, in an Arabic fashion, then turned to me with a huge smile and pointed at what he had done. "See, see."

"Yeah, wow, cool," I said, leaning into the alley on the left and glancing up at the satellite dishes on its rooftops.

"Thomas!" yelled the gunner on top of my vehicle, giving me the finger circling in the air signal, which means that it's time to mount up.

I started to get back in my vehicle. "Well, Mr. Bond--Mr. James Bond-- I hope you enjoy California."

The next day's mission set list didn't include me. I had tower guard from 0400 until 0800 instead. I went to guard shift, then got some sleep. When I woke up, the next day's patrol had already returned, and, as usual, the gaggle of guys who walked in and out of my room gave me updates on what had happened, who had been shot at, who had fucked up, who had chickened out, who had pulled off some great stunt of ingenuity. One of the privates sauntered in with a somewhat bemused expression.

"Hey, we were in Little Venice today, talking to LNs and ****."

"Anything happen?"

"Sort of. That James Bond kid you were telling me about--did he run around in an Adidas hat?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Those fuckers cut off his tongue."

"What? Who?"

"Shia militia, the police, I don't know. Apparently he had been talking to too many Americans."

"No ******* way."

"Yeah. **** them, man. I hate when this **** happens to kids."

We didn't go back to Little Venice for a raid or patrol or mission of any type for quite some time--maybe a month or two. But when we did eventually go back, I didn't have to look very hard to find Ali. He was mixed in with the throng of children who waded up to our convoy screaming for us to throw them chocolate or soccer balls. Of course, he wasn't screaming, but he was smiling and his hands were outstretched to catch whatever a soldier with a generous streak might be kind enough to throw at him. I wanted to yell, "Hey, James Bond! I hope you get to California!"--but I didn't. I just watched him scramble for the soccer ball that went bobbing away toward an alley and out of my field of vision.

It was with a strange mix of regret and sadness that I went to the phone center post-mission and called my parents. I spared them the gory story of Ali and his violent silencing. I spared them my own ambivalence about feeling obligated to protect "those people" by putting my own life on the line. I also spared them the primitive guilt I felt at not being able to help a child. I realized that the more guilt I felt about being unable to help a specific person, the more ambivalent I became toward the population in general. It felt very un-American to have such a subtle balance of apathy and rage and remorse and fear operating simultaneously, but I was comforted to know that I wasn't alone. All of the Joes feel this way. We rarely mention it back on base--maybe because it's so obvious and maybe because there isn't any point. We are usually too busy getting ready for our next mission, anyway.

Now,in this first article he talks about changing a tire,in an alleyway.
Since he mentioned changing a tire,that could only mean either a humvee or a eight-wheeled Stryker Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs).

Both of those vehicles have "run flat" tires,designed to go about 50 miles even when they have flat tires.
So,there is NO way that a patrol would stop in an alley to change tires,it just is not done.


n the last hour of any patrol in Baghdad, things start to slow down. Conversations are filled with comfortable silences that stretch themselves out. Everyone gets a little bit restless to head back to beds, food, and relative safety. No one wants anything to happen that would keep us out longer than necessary.

That's why I could feel the exasperation in the Humvee when the call went out over the radio one night last December for everyone to stop. The senior non-commissioned officer in my vehicle called up over the radio network and asked what the holdup was. A pause followed. The lead vehicle said there were dogs, a lot of them, fighting over something.

This didn't seem like a reason to stop. If you patrol Baghdad at night, you end up sharing the streets with dogs. Thousands of them roam the darkened city, some mangy, others well-groomed, promenading through piles of garbage and bricks. Sometimes, when they're alone, they pass by nearly undetectable except for the quiet scraping of their unclipped claws along the alleyways and the strange iridescent glow of their eyes. More often, they congregate in giant packs. They fight and howl and bark, and they are louder than the people who inhabit the city during the daytime. But we had never had a reason to stop for them before. "Jesus Christ," said Specialist Hernandez, a passenger in our Humvee. "I thought we were supposed to be keeping Iraqis from fighting each other, not dogs."

Before anyone could respond, the lead vehicle came back up over the net. The dogs were eating a human body. More precisely, they were eating out of a human body. Apparently, they were only eating the brain.

his wasn't the first dead body I had seen in Baghdad. Religious factions, and factions within factions, kill one another on a daily basis. It's less often, maybe only a few times a month, that we find the dumped bodies. The point of dumping a body is to send a message. The killers want as many people as possible in the neighborhood to be exposed to it.

A mob of dusty kids who were shouting excitedly, running around corners, and pointing led us to our first body at the beginning of my deployment. Eventually they stopped and circled around a man hog-tied and stiff on the side of the road. There weren't any large pools of blood, so we knew that he had been killed somewhere else and dropped in this particular neighborhood for some particular reason. His eyes had been gouged out, and there were minor lacerations on his arms and face. He had been kidnapped, tortured, and executed.

For most of us, it was the first dead human we had seen outside of a funeral parlor, so we momentarily froze with some strange mixture of revulsion and reverence. The kids had already scattered or were asking for chocolate, their parents smoking butts in doorways, sending us tired and helpless glances.

he patrol leader didn't want too many boots on the ground just to recover a body, so only four of us got out of the Humvee. We stopped our vehicle about 15 meters from the pack of dogs. "Should we shoot them?" Hernandez asked the patrol leader.

"Nah, I think they're just starving," he answered.

Almost within arm's reach of the body, two of the more deranged, wild-looking dogs were still pursing back their lips to scoop up brain tissue with their fangs. Hernandez kicked the nearest one in its protruding ribs. The dog didn't make a sound--it just rolled off into the darkness.

Having scattered the dogs, we all looked at the dead body in front of us, pretending to think of a way to move it. The man was lying on his back. His hands and feet were free, but the top of his head had been blown away. Maybe it was a failed kidnapping. He was a big guy, maybe six feet tall and a little on the obese side. He could've struggled, and, instead of a routine execution, they had to shoot him in the head in a really quick and sloppy way. But why had the body stayed here this long without being reported? The locals usually either wave down an American patrol, call the tip hotline, or at least tell the police.

Someone reached down and picked a shell casing up off the ground. It was 9mm with a square back. Everything suddenly became clear. The only shell casings that look like that belong to Glocks. And the only people who use Glocks are the Iraqi police.

"How close is the nearest IP station?" I asked.

"It's actually on this street, about five hundred meters south. We would be able to see it without optics if it were daylight," the patrol leader said.

"Are we gonna drop the body off?" Hernandez asked.

"Nah, they can clean up after themselves. We'll swing by and tell them to pick up the body."

As we slowly started moving back toward the Humvee, we could hear the dogs filling in the space behind us. I turned around and saw their green eyes flashing in the deep shadow where we'd left the body. Part of me thought we should have shot the dogs or done something to keep them from eating the body, but what good would it have done? We only would have been exposing ourselves to danger longer than we needed to.

Back in the Humvee, Hernandez started talking to me without looking in my direction. "Man, I've never seen anything like that before," he said.

"What? A guy killed by a cop?" I asked.

"No, man, zombie dogs. That **** was wild," he said, laughing.

Something inside of me fought for expression and then died. He was right. What else was there to do now but laugh?

"I took his driver's license," I said.

"You did?" questioned Hernandez.

"Yeah. It said he was an organ donor."

We chuckled in the dark for a moment, and then looked out the window into the night. We didn't talk again until we were back at our base.

Now in this second article,he wrote this...

Someone reached down and picked a shell casing up off the ground. It was 9mm with a square back. Everything suddenly became clear. The only shell casings that look like that belong to Glocks. And the only people who use Glocks are the Iraqi police.

First of all,there are NO rifles or pistols anywhere in the world that use ammo with "square backs".,and I defy you to show me even one weapon that uses them.
NO weapon with a barrel uses "square backed" ammunition,it defies all laws of physics.
There is no way a square round will go thru a circular barrel.
Then he claims that it had to come from an Iraqi police officer because the only people who use Glocks are the Iraqi police.

That is simply not true.
That statement is so astoundingly incorrect as to be laughable. While Glocks are carried by many Iraqi police officers, Glocks are among the most common handguns in Iraq, easily found and purchased, and carried by those on each side of the conflict and Iraqi civilians alike.

Also,many US soldiers carry Glocks as their personnel sidearm,brought from home.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 02:12 pm
mysteryman wrote:
parados wrote:
So ,what do you think he described that a Bradley can't do MM?

Here is what he wrote about how a BFV was used to kill dogs...
I know another private who really only enjoyed driving Bradley Fighting Vehicles because it gave him the opportunity to run things over. He took out curbs, concrete barriers, corners of buildings, stands in the market, and his favorite target: dogs. Occasionally, the brave ones would chase the Bradleys, barking at them like they bark at trash trucks in America--providing him with the perfect opportunity to suddenly swerve and catch a leg or a tail in the vehicle's tracks. He kept a tally of his kills in a little green notebook that sat on the dashboard of the driver's hatch. One particular day, he killed three dogs. He slowed the Bradley down to lure the first kill in, and, as the diesel engine grew quieter, the dog walked close enough for him to jerk the machine hard to the right and snag its leg under the tracks

Soldiers and military vehicle specialists intimately familiar with Bradley IFVs have flatly stated that these vehicles cannot be driven as described in Thomas' account due to their construction and the limitations of the laws of physics.

Now,here is how the army describes a BFV...

A BFV CANNOT go over concrete barriers,it would get hung up.
It Cant be used to knock down corners of buildings because of where and how its weapons are located and because of where the drivers obsdervation port is.

Oh, so lets make up something that isn't in the story. Nowhere does it say the Bradly went "OVER" concrete barriers. It says it took them out. Something that is easy to do by sideswiping it while never driving over the top of it.

As for the building claim, there is no mention of what kind of building or how it was done. There are many ways to take out the corner of a building especially if the building is not made of concrete or some other hard material. The claim that it can't be done is based on nothing more than the wish that a Bradley can't run into things. I can take out the corner of a building with a pickup truck and do little damage to the truck. I can do it blind too.

Now perhaps you can tell me which laws of physics you think are being violated by the tale told? I bet you can't find one.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 02:46 pm
Now,in this first article he talks about changing a tire,in an alleyway.
Since he mentioned changing a tire,that could only mean either a humvee or a eight-wheeled Stryker Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs).

Both of those vehicles have "run flat" tires,designed to go about 50 miles even when they have flat tires.
So,there is NO way that a patrol would stop in an alley to change tires,it just is not done.

Again you make an assumption that isn't in the story.. Let's read what he said again...

When pulling security for a crew that's changing a tire, you need to make sure that your head is constantly moving, if only to provide snipers with the illusion that you're paying attention.

Now, you assume that the only vehicles that the US has in Iraq are Humvees and Strykers. The story never states it was one of the patrol's vehicles that has a flat. Transportation companies move equipment and supplies through Iraq. Transportation companies drive vehicles other than Humvees and Strykers. I am curious as to who these people are that claim that there are no transport vehicles in Iraq. Do you really think someone that believes the only US wheeled vehicles in Iraq are Strykers and Humvees knows what the f*** they are talking about? I don't.

First of all,there are NO rifles or pistols anywhere in the world that use ammo with "square backs".,and I defy you to show me even one weapon that uses them.
I have no idea what the meaning is of "square back." Nor do you. It could mean the shape of the firing pin impression for all we know. Yet you jump onto this idea that it means the bullet itself was square. I don't think it means that and you can't show that your interpretation is the ONLY possible meaning for "square back".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 02:56 pm
Also,many US soldiers carry Glocks as their personnel sidearm,brought from home.

So, you are saying that many US soldiers are breaking the prohibition on personal weapons?

Here is a discussion by several vets talking about how and why you should not bring your own weapon from home.

The possession of POW's (Personally Owned Weapons) is a violation of the Multinational Corps Iraq General Order Number One ... and can result in an Article 15 Proceeding or a Courts Martial...

You know MM.. your failure to check your facts is becoming rather tedious.
First you claim there is no such person in the military, which turns out to be untrue.
Then you claim there are only Humvees and Strykers in Iraq.
Then you claim lots of US soldiers are carrying personal weapons in violation of General Order Number One.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 02:59 pm
parados wrote:
Now,in this first article he talks about changing a tire,in an alleyway.
Since he mentioned changing a tire,that could only mean either a humvee or a eight-wheeled Stryker Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs).

Both of those vehicles have "run flat" tires,designed to go about 50 miles even when they have flat tires.
So,there is NO way that a patrol would stop in an alley to change tires,it just is not done.

Again you make an assumption that isn't in the story.. Let's read what he said again...

When pulling security for a crew that's changing a tire, you need to make sure that your head is constantly moving, if only to provide snipers with the illusion that you're paying attention.

Now, you assume that the only vehicles that the US has in Iraq are Humvees and Strykers. The story never states it was one of the patrol's vehicles that has a flat. Transportation companies move equipment and supplies through Iraq. Transportation companies drive vehicles other than Humvees and Strykers. I am curious as to who these people are that claim that there are no transport vehicles in Iraq. Do you really think someone that believes the only US wheeled vehicles in Iraq are Strykers and Humvees knows what the f*** they are talking about? I don't.

First of all,there are NO rifles or pistols anywhere in the world that use ammo with "square backs".,and I defy you to show me even one weapon that uses them.
I have no idea what the meaning is of "square back." Nor do you. It could mean the shape of the firing pin impression for all we know. Yet you jump onto this idea that it means the bullet itself was square. I don't think it means that and you can't show that your interpretation is the ONLY possible meaning for "square back".

You seemed to ignore this part...
The sector we soldiers patrol is known unaffectionately as "Little Venice" because of the dark brown rivers of sewage that backwash from broken pipes.

So,he is talking about being on patrol.
I never said there werent more wheeled vehicles in the US inventory,but the ones I mentioned are the ones used when on patrol.
You dont seriously think that a transport company would be on patrol using their big trucks or other equipment!!
If you do,you are showing a remarkable ignorance about how combat patrols are carried out.

As far as the "square back" round goes,it cannot mean the firing pin.
The firing pin on every pistol or rifle is more pointed then anything else,and it is in no way square.

Also,he specified "shell casing", that is the part that is ejected after the round is fired.
That means that the round was in the magazine of whatever weapon,in this case a Glock,the weapon came from.
There is no way that is possible.
A square round would get jammed,IF it even fit at all.

Your lack of knowledge about weapons is staggering.
I would suggest you go to a local gun shop and ask them about "square back" rounds.
You will see that they do not exist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 03:29 pm
parados wrote:
Also,many US soldiers carry Glocks as their personnel sidearm,brought from home.

So, you are saying that many US soldiers are breaking the prohibition on personal weapons?

Here is a discussion by several vets talking about how and why you should not bring your own weapon from home.

The possession of POW's (Personally Owned Weapons) is a violation of the Multinational Corps Iraq General Order Number One ... and can result in an Article 15 Proceeding or a Courts Martial...

You know MM.. your failure to check your facts is becoming rather tedious.
First you claim there is no such person in the military, which turns out to be untrue.
Then you claim there are only Humvees and Strykers in Iraq.
Then you claim lots of US soldiers are carrying personal weapons in violation of General Order Number One.

When I went to Iraq,I carried my own personal sidearm.
Apparently,the rule has changed since I was there.

But,that does not change the fact that you are woefully ignorant regarding weapons.
Please show me where I said that only humvees and strykers in Iraq.
I never said that,I said those are the vehicles used on patrol.
You took that to mean something else.
As usual,you read what you wanted to,instead of what was actually written.

I find it telling that instead of realizing that the person that wrote these stories is wrong,you are defending him.

That tells me that you refuse to accept anything that disagrees with your preconceived notions about the US military in Iraq and the armed forces in general.
It is painfully obvious to me that none of you served in any type of combat role,or in the military in general.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 03:45 pm

I find it telling that instead of realizing that the person that wrote these stories is wrong,you are defending him.

MM, I just want to start off by saying that I don't agree with some of the negative comments that I've seen posted your way in this and other threads over the last several days. I disagree with you on a lot of stuff, but you're never rude or a jerk, and certainly not unintelligent, in any way. Been meaning to make that comment.

That being said, about the current affair: as I tell my older bro all the time, you can make up a great explanation for something, but that doesn't make it the truth. I haven't seen any actual evidence that the guy was lying, other then the fact that he described US soldiers doing unsavory things - including himself - and that just couldn't be true, so let's pick as many holes in his story as we can. I understand where you are coming from, but I haven't seen any actual evidence discrediting him overall.

Remember the Jamal Hussein deal? There were tons of people who were all claiming that it was a bullshit, made up story. They had all this good evidence and theories for why this was true; and they were wrong. Don't get too far out in front of things like this.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:59 pm
mysteryman wrote:

You seemed to ignore this part...
The sector we soldiers patrol is known unaffectionately as "Little Venice" because of the dark brown rivers of sewage that backwash from broken pipes.
I didn't ignore it at all. "The sector we patrol" is not the same thing as saying "I am on patrol? In fact it seems he isn't on patrol when he says..
When pulling security for a crew that's changing a tire, you need to make sure that your head is constantly moving, if only to provide snipers with the illusion that you're paying attention.

"Pulling security" is not the same thing as "being on patrol" anymore than pulling KP is the same thing as being on patrol. It would be only logical that he would "pull security" in the sector that they patrol.

So,he is talking about being on patrol.
Your interpretation to make it seem like he is. I read it differently.

I never said there werent more wheeled vehicles in the US inventory,but the ones I mentioned are the ones used when on patrol.
Since he wasn't on patrol but was pulling security duty it makes it seem you are saying they are the only vehicles. When a transport vehicle breaks down and they send a crew to repair it in the field or to tow it back do you think they send security or not?


You dont seriously think that a transport company would be on patrol using their big trucks or other equipment!!
If you do,you are showing a remarkable ignorance about how combat patrols are carried out.
You might want to understand the English language before you call others ignorant.

As far as the "square back" round goes,it cannot mean the firing pin.
The firing pin on every pistol or rifle is more pointed then anything else,and it is in no way square.
That's funny since I can recall rim fire 22 casings having a rectangular dimple.

Also,he specified "shell casing", that is the part that is ejected after the round is fired.
That means that the round was in the magazine of whatever weapon,in this case a Glock,the weapon came from.
There is no way that is possible.
A square round would get jammed,IF it even fit at all.
Again you assume "square" means the casing itself had to be square. There is no indication that is the the only meaning. In fact there is no indication of what the meaning is. It could be the manufacturers mark on the casing. It could be any number of things which is why I mentioned the firing pin mark. You wouldn't say that "black talons" don't exist since they are not black nor do they look like a talon, would you?

Your lack of knowledge about weapons is staggering.
I would suggest you go to a local gun shop and ask them about "square back" rounds.
You will see that they do not exist.
Just because you and I don't recognize the terminology doesn't mean they are not called that by someone somewhere. You weren't aware it was against regs to carry your own weapon to Iraq but that doesn't mean the reg doesn't exist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 07:25 pm
We disagree on much,but I thank you for your words.
I am not trying to get too far out in front of this,I just find the writers story to be highly improbable,to the point of being a lie.

There are way to many red flags raised by the series of articles,and as a former soldier I am honor bound to question his story and to highlight the holes in his story.

The dimple caused by the firing pin is not the same as the back of the casing.
Yes,the firing pin strikes the back of the casing,but any person that knows weapons could not confuse the firing pin mark with the back of the casing.
And the claim that only the Iraqi police carry Glocks is completely ridiculous.
The Glock is probably the most common handgun in Iraq.
Except for the US forces,EVERYBODY carries the Glock,because it it a reliable weapon.
The US military uses the Beretta.

If the writer actually confused the firing pin mark as a "square back",then he needs to go back to basic training and relearn his weapons.

As for him standing security while changing a tire,as far as I know every wheeled vehicle used by the US Army,for transport,combat patrols,etc has the "run flat" capability,so they would not be stopping in an alley to change tires.
You seem to want to say that he wasn't part of a patrol at the time,yet nothing he wrote indicates that.
He talks about the "sector" he patrols,and then he talks about providing security while a tire was changed.
Every patrol is carried out with vehicles,and since he specified changing a tire,that eliminates any tracked vehicles.
The way I read it,he was on patrol.

Of course,if you want to interpret it as he just stumbled on a group changing a tire and decided to act as security,thats OK by me.
Your wrong,but you are free to think that.

I guess the part that really set me off was him talking about desecrating the remains of a child.
I don't care how rogue the unit is,NO commander would allow that to happen.
Somebody would have put a stop to it immediately.
And since the modern helmet is designed to fit snugly,I cant see any soldier jeopardizing his or her safety by wearing a helmet that doesn't fit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:00 pm
But you have now changed from
"This is impossible" to "This isn't probable". A far cry from your original complaint about the story.

By now, Murdough and his commanding officer, Lt. Col. John Norris, were making progress in the investigation. They had evidence that pointed to police involvement in the slayings: In the empty lot where six of the kidnapping victims had been found shot to death, U.S. soldiers discovered shell casings that bore the characteristic square indentation made by a Glock handgun, a sidearm rare in Iraq except among the American-armed security forces.

Interesting that the LATimes would use similar statements in a story over 6 months ago - a square indentation and Glocks are rare except for American armed security forces.

Now it looks like we know what "square back" probably means. It does reference the indentation from the firing pin.

It seems some Glocks are being sold by the police they are supplied to on the black market for 10 times their monthly salary.
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