Coolwhip wrote:
The use of antibiotics in livestock is by some pointed out to be the #1 cause of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. However, it seemes
awareness is rising
exactly .
That was my number one reason for stopping my milk consumption.
And no, I dont think countries outside of the US use nearly as much antibiotic or growth hormone as we do.
When Walter says the milk there has none, he is probably correct.
OR, if they do use it, it is a very small amount and really only used when necessary.
Here , the cows are pumped with hormones to make them grow faster, and more hormones to produce milk long after their body should have stopped.
Not to mention the amount of milk they make at a time is unnatural.
It is so bad that cows often have huge infections on their udders from the weight of the excess milk causing their udders to rub the ground as they move.
This, the ground, is covered in feces and urine... I mean.. they live in a pen so of course that will be there..
And that is only one of the reasons they are given antibiotics for so long.
It isn't ' on the side of the carton' because it isn't pumped into the milk. (But there are clauses on the label for chemical additives called 'natural flavorings', or the most popular.. sorbitol. )
It is pumped into the animal. And according to the FDA, you are not DRINKING the animal, so you don't need to know what is going in their blood stream. You are drinking the milk, so it isn't necessary to list it.
yet, it is those antibiotic and hormone filled bodies that are producing the milk. We all know that means it will be passed on.
Not to mention, the diets ( and here is where animal treatment comes in) they are fed so bad that they have to be given vitamins to supplement what they should be eating.
American cows are given a diet high in corn. If not almost completely corn. A diet that is not natural for their bodies.
They often suffer from brittle bone, muscle deterioration, and many sicknesses from a poor diet alone.
So, how can a sick cow, who cant even eat enough protein to support its own diet produce " healthy ,protein fortified milk" as the FDA wants you to think?
Chickens are the same way.
Very poor diet, given way too many supplements, and are given growth hormones so hard on their systems that they sometimes do not produce feathers.
These chickens grow to be full size animals in less then 3 months on these drugs, when in nature, it would take them 6-7.
Again... a body saturated with drugs, and lacking from nutrients, can not produce 'healthy' eggs.
Of course, to combat all of this knowledge that the public is now absorbing, FDA has started to label milk and eggs as " all natural".
Well.. this they can do.. as.. eggs are produced naturally.. so is milk.
Marketing deception 101 there..
If you want to start buying meats that don't have the drugs that regular meat does, and actually contains nutrients that your body can use.. start looking for labels that say things like
Raised with out hormones
Produced with out hormones
Antibiotic free
Organic fed ( even this isn't the best one.. but in some cases it is all you can find)
Dont fall for the labels that say
All natural
Cage free
Hand fed, or Hand picked
Produced from natural sources.
Or ones that just say 'organic'.
The word organic standing alone can mean a few things. It CAN mean that the product IS all organic, no drugs etc.. But sometimes it is used to only mean that the feed the animal is getting is organic. Which means you might have a sick cow eating organic corn, but still pumped with antibiotics..
^^ these are already done and dont make your meat , eggs, or milk safer. They are just marketing schemes. Milk, eggs, beef, chicken, pork.. those ARE already natural. Using the word -natural- in a label doesn't mean **** anymore sadly.
Fruits and veggies are the same way, yet sometimes a simple washing can remove a lot of those chemicals, where as animal based proteins can not be made safer. Period.
The best way to buy fruits safer, and cheaper is to just buy your very watery fruits organic, and tough skin veggies regular.
yes the regular will still have pesticides , but not near the amount that ... lets say.. grapes will.
The fruits and some veggies, that are heavy in the water will also contain a higher amount of pesticide in them as pesticide is water based as well and absorbs into the plants quickly. The plants dont filter, or cycle their water. They keep it and produce fruits with it. SO every time they spray those crops with a chemical that is meant to kill living beings, those fruits are keeping that chemical , and YOU a living being , is eating it.
Grapes, berries, melons... all watery fruits.. buy organic
broccoli, spinach, peppers.. things like that.. go ahead and buy regular.
just wash the skins in hot water with a rag.
This will save you money when shopping..
) trust me.
We tried to do a completely organic diet , and could only survive for a few months because our grocery bill for 3 people went over 550 a month!
Now, we just get organic meats, and select veggies.
Dont drink milk, and buy packaged foods that dont have sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or ingredience longer then my thumb nail.
It takes a little balancing, and alot of reading labels, but once you understand how things are packaged, and what they really mean , you can swoop into any store and quickly pick out a fresh healthy diet in minutes, and save some money doing it.