9/11 Proof on Video: CNN/FOXNEWS-Involvement!!!

Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 11:04 am
maporsche wrote:
I don't believe every theory out there....but I don't belive the complete 9/11 report either.

I also believe that it's entirely possible that the 9/11 report is accurate and there is no conspiracy in the attack itself....but I wouldn't be surprised if the government simply allowed it to happen by not doing anything to stop it.

Kind of like the "Pearl Harbor" argument.Right?
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 11:08 am
woiyo wrote:
maporsche wrote:
I don't believe every theory out there....but I don't belive the complete 9/11 report either.

I also believe that it's entirely possible that the 9/11 report is accurate and there is no conspiracy in the attack itself....but I wouldn't be surprised if the government simply allowed it to happen by not doing anything to stop it.

Kind of like the "Pearl Harbor" argument.Right?

I'm sure the basic theory's are similar, but as I'm only 27 and not very well versed in history (to my shame) I cannot comment with any sort of knowledge as to these events, due to having not lived through them or studied them.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 11:49 am
The YouTube link is bullshit -- the towers were constructed to withstand small plane crashes, not jumbo jets loaded with fuel. In fact, they were not even sure what would happen other than the design of the buildings were always transitory. It was also constructed that way for demolition, so know we get all these metaphysical suppositions that there were demolition explosives in the building on the particular floor the planes crashed into. Ever see demolition explosives go off? Do that put them half-way up the building? There's enough screwballs around here to make up a pretty good baseball game.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 11:50 am
woiyo wrote:
Zippo wrote:
Research it -- the towers were constructed to collapse straight down precisely if an aircraft crashed into it accidentally.

Biggest bullsh!t on Ak2

WTC - Designed to Withstand MULTIPLE Plane Impacts


February 27, 1993: WTC Engineer Says Building Would Survive Jumbo Jet Hitting It

It was not the plane cash alone that caused the WTC to fall.

Remember FIRE??

If those towers were designed to withstand plane impacts, then the major player which would have caused the collapse would have been 'fire'. This takes us right back to OGIONIK quote:

Why do demolition companies exist when all you have to do is douse your high rise with jet fuel and PRESTO! you got a primo 100% demolished building?

Lets apply this to WTC 7? Laughing
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:01 pm
The destruction that took place was hardly a controlled demolition -- the design didn't work as efficiently with planes going into them at 45 deg. angles. Parts of the heavy steel beamed outsides of the towers buildings caused collateral damage.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:04 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
The destruction that took place was hardly a controlled demolition -- the design didn't work as efficiently with planes going into them at 45 deg. angles. Parts of the heavy steel beamed outsides of the towers buildings caused collateral damage.

NO plane hit WTC 7!

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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:13 pm
Who stated a plane hit it?

Wikipedia (from many hundreds of other articles:)

Main article: Collapse of the World Trade Center

As the North Tower collapsed, debris hit 7 WTC "with the force of a volcanic eruption."[16] Much of the bottom 10 stories of the building's south face were destroyed, with damage visible as high as the 18th floor. A massive fire burned into the afternoon on the 11th and 12th floors of 7 World Trade Center, with flames visible on the east side of the building.[17][18] Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade Center, between the 10 and 13th floors, which was a sign that the building was unstable and might collapse.[19] During the afternoon, FDNY Chief Daniel Nigro made the decision to halt rescue operations, surface removal and searches along the surface of the debris near 7 World Trade Center and evacuate the area, out of concerns for the safety of personnel.[20] At 5:20 p.m. EDT on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center collapsed. It had been evacuated and there were no casualties associated with the collapse of 7 WTC.

Bush is the Joker, ya know -- stop trying to emulate him.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:30 pm
FEMA concluded in their report on WTC that further investigation was needed. That dont seem to matter to some people. But 70 million Americans say new investigations are needed. I agree there is plenty of reason for new, public investigations with scientists from all sides presenting their evidence. What's unreasonable is to pretend there aint reason when even FEMA says they are needed. "Concluding remarks in the FEMA report on the WTC 7 collapse lend support to my arguments:

The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse ["official theory"] remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis [fire/damage-caused collapse] has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue. (FEMA, 2002, chapter 5; emphasis added.) link
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:36 pm
I agree on further investigation -- how about those injured who were trying to save people from the disaster and the government has left them high and dry. I can also see further investigations by qualified structural engineers, not air-conditioning experts. Nor authorities on tree houses or Legoland.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 12:46 pm
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 01:02 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Who stated a plane hit it?


As the North Tower collapsed, debris hit 7 WTC "with the force of a volcanic eruption."...

Would you like me to post a photo of a much closer Tower to WTC1/2 which did NOT collapse? Laughing

(Photo source: fema.gov)

WTC 6 was pulled months later ( http://killtown.911review.org/wtc6.html )

Volcanic erruption my @$$

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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 02:04 pm
So we've got all these people near the scene (some high up in apartment buildings) who saw exactly what they are saying destroyed 6 and 7 and you don't want to believe any of it. I suppose all those people are now dead (the usual excuse that conspiracy theorists come up with to explain how everyone is almost simultaneously lying or were all on drugs). I certainly would like to see the theory that there were cutting charges involved but I highly doubt there's any of the evidence left. We're back to the grassy knoll.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 02:16 pm
Talking of people on the scene that's one area where the 911 Commission let us down. Lots of eyewitness testimony swept aside. People who not only heard explosions in the basement of WTC 7 but saw extensive damage well before the collapse of the other towers and who were wounded by the blasts. Their stories should not be swept aside. Also the words of the FDNY from the scene suggest fires under control not raging as some would have us believe. "Firefighters' Tapes - Tapes reveal that fires were under control not raging infernos: A lot of the portions of the tapes have been classified. This portion lasts an hour and thirteen minutes, we have highlighted the interesting parts below with full transcripts." link I dont think the government's fire theory could hold up to open scientific debate. Far from it.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 02:40 pm
It's not the government's "fire theory," it's an analysis by respected structural engineers and from those who built the complex along with the eyewitnesses.
Of course, it's possible they are off a bit on their description considering the trauma of the event, even those who watched it from high buildings surrounding the area (there are high buildings in NYC with great views of the former WTC in case one has forgotten). Bush screwed up and is still screwing up enough to put him and Cheney in impeachment hearings. What I think is being hidden was the intelligence and the processing of the intelligence and how and when it was given to the White House before 9/11. They can get testimony of structural engineers over and over and I don't think it will come up with any holes large enough to support the conspiracy theories. There just isn't any evidence of demolition and I, quite frankly, don't believe they will every find any.

Go watch "JFK" and be entertained, but realize it's all supposition with little to support it.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:10 pm
Lightwizard, haha. Well you say new investigations are needed yet you cant help making snide remarks at others who also call for new investigations. And this statement of yours is a lousy argument considering the government tried to hide the truth on the structure and even told untruths about the structure. "It's not the government's "fire theory," it's an analysis by respected structural engineers and from those who built the complex along with the eyewitnesses." Yes it is the government's fire theory taken from their "experts" Other scientists and structural engineers have differing opinions which is why they all should be made to make their presentations in a public forum. The NIST report has been caught in important "mistakes" and even in hiding facts about structural designs of the towers. Now that we have blueprints I'd love to see the government's experts explain those untruths.
"WTC Blueprints Leaked by Whistleblower"
Unseen documents show official investigations used flawed construction details
"The detailed architectural drawings make clear what official reports have apparently attempted to hide: that the Twin Towers had massive core columns, and those columns ran most of the height of each Tower before transitioning to columns with smaller cross-sections.
Both of the government-sponsored engineering studies of the Twin Towers' "collapses" -- FEMA's and NIST's -- are highly misleading about the core structures. Neither Report discloses dimensions for core columns -- dimensions that are clearly evident in the architectural drawings. Both Reports use a variety of techniques seemingly designed to minimize the strength of the cores or to conceal their structural role entirely." link
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:31 pm
Such reliable sources stating that "the whistleblower has yet to be identified," probably as he doesn't exist. More doctored up drawings and photos won't convince anyone -- let's see, the internet is so full of bullshit "alternative journalism" that feeds these conspiracy theories. No respected journalist is going to touch it. The wonders of the cyberspace highway -- you just need a s**t shovel to get through a lot of it.

I'm not stating that none of this is possible, just that there is nothing but helter skelter blogs and axe-grinding websites that you just can't swallow if you're rational.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:38 pm
Lightwizard, who can blame a whistleblower from being scared these days? It's the blueprints that matter. And government experts who the government is scared to pit against other experts who tear apart the government's theories. The bottom line of the government's case is FEMA's final conclusion that " the best hypothesis [fire/damage-caused collapse] has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue." You seem to agree with the last sentence. So why the snotty remarks?
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:39 pm
Breaking News ! ! !

September 11th Attacks Were Product of a Conspiracy ! ! !

It has been revealed, but not absorbed the the conspiracy nuts, that the September 11th attacks were the product of a conspiracy. So far, the conspirators have been tentatively identified as 15 Saudis, three Lebanese, and an Egyptian.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:45 pm
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:52 pm
Setanta, did Bushie write that for you? Conspiracy nuts are the nuts who are nuts enough to believe the government's conspiracy theory. And that's all the government has is a flimsy theory. Those who question the government's theory know better than to not demand answers when the government's theory has such a low probability of occurrence as even FEMA concluded. You seem to trust the government when it suits you and not at all most of the time. You play both sides off the middle many times. Breaking News ! ! ! You dont any more about the truth of 911 than the 70 million Americans calling for new investigations and who want to know nothing but the truth.
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