Tue 31 May, 2022 04:05 pm - You have no idea. He’s like three in one. A father figure, mother and older brother. He’s still on me about owning motorcycles, never lets up. That being said I could never ask for a... (view)
Fri 13 May, 2022 12:13 pm - They’re already gone. I just talked to Morgan. They had the cars packed and ready yesterday. The fire is almost contained and their home is safe but the air quality isn’t healthy. He... (view)
Tue 12 Apr, 2022 05:16 pm - I never met him, never heard a word from him, nothing, not even a phone call. He supported me through my mother but never acknowledged I ever existed. I'm now accepting that. Morgan said if... (view)
Sun 10 Apr, 2022 03:36 pm - I'm Jewish. Orthodox Jews do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah. We also don't shove our religious beliefs down others throats. Jesus earthly life is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew,... (view)
Sun 10 Apr, 2022 03:31 pm - You started this ten years ago? How long you been here? and thanks for cleaning out your pantry before our next visit :D (view)