Lived in Boston area for 48 out of 73 years. In the past, I was employed in high-tech, now retired in Paradise.
Originally, moved in 1999 from Boston area to s/w CT, living there for 4 years. After the downturn in tech sector, I did freelance photography.
{Edit As of 9/23}: survived Hurricane Ian and other events. Also, we now have a 4-yr-old Cockapoo named Honey. Still snowbirds and still enjoying it. I’m playing croquet in both locations and loving it.
{Edit: As of 9/16}: Moved to our new home in Sarasota with my significant other and my (then) 8-yr-old mini French Poodle Jellybean. Living the dream in FL so. as well as upstate NY as a snowbird, splitting time at our lakeside home in mid-Hudson Valley.
{Edit: as of 3/10} Moved as a solo act to Sarasota-Bradenton in so Florida. Active and avid photographer Replaced my old computer with a new iMac and the latest version of AdobePhotoshop.
[Edit 12/03/08]: Moved to Albany NY suburbs at a new 6-acre 'farm' and was caretaker for a friend's farm and 3 rescued Border Collies. Eventually adopted one of their dogs (Brady) myself. My friends added another rescue BC (which I fostered) from that same rescue farm. She eventually integrated with their BC pack and she went to live with the other three.
Firstly, I enjoy humor, civilized debate with informed, rational people. Enjoy good wine and then lastly good desserts such as butterscotch sundaes like those from (now defunct) Bailey's in Harvard Sq., Cambridge, Mass.
In my leisure you might find me partaking of good food, wine (mostly red) and good conversation. That avatar is a recent image taken of me at a friend's in 2014.
Wed 5 Feb, 2025 05:38 am -
[img width=600][/img]
[size=150] “In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps... (view)
Sat 1 Feb, 2025 08:27 am - I see very little meaningful difference. Senseless to point out technical differences as it’s Grammatically correct either way. (view)