relationship status: divorced
birthday: February 28
children: none
ethnicity: humanity
religion: humanity
political view: centrist
humor: quirky
sexual orientation: north
fashion: If it covers what needs to be covered, it works for me.
smoking: Free at last, Philip Morris Oh Mighty, I'm free at last!
drinking: mostly water
current hometown: Albuquerque, NM (moved here after a lifetime in California )
passions: people, gardens, animals, nature, natural sciences, music, internet, photography, graphic arts, cooking, journalism, word games, reading
sports: I try not to be a bad sport.
books: My library card gets a lot of action.
music: Almost anything. Depends on my mood. There isn't much I don't like. Jazz is a mainstay.
tv shows: Don't watch much television these days. If I do, it's usually something on PBS.
movies: Anything that makes me laugh, cry or think. I see enough scary stuff on the evening news.
cuisines: About the only thing I don't like is spicy hot food. Give me some great tasting veggies, a little meat and some seasonings of varying types and I'm there.
Mon 19 Sep, 2016 06:01 pm - Here is a link to mom's obituary that ran today. It is also online for anyone who chooses to leave a comment in the guestbook.... (view)
Wed 14 Sep, 2016 03:24 pm - Went for a walk today at a local park to feed ducks and take photos of wild flowers.
Noticed some of mom's minions doing the bumblebee boogie and thought I'd share it with those who... (view)
Mon 12 Sep, 2016 09:38 am - It is with deep sorrow that I let our friends near and far know that mom passed away peacefully last night.
I don't yet have any details to share. Her request was that she be cremated and... (view)
Thu 26 May, 2016 09:52 pm - Mom is doing much better, the liquid antibiotics have had a positive result. However, this last episode with mom has taken a big chunk from her already limited ability to communicate and to... (view)
Mon 16 May, 2016 02:23 pm - When mom woke up this morning she wanted to do two things, take a shower and go for a ride in the car.
She got her shower and hair shampooed then took a short nap to re-energize. When she was... (view)
Sat 14 May, 2016 09:49 am - Mom got herself out of bed again this morning while I was out watering the gardens. She made it to her recliner and is now eating a small bowl of oatmeal and a veggie smoothie with her antibiotic... (view)
Fri 13 May, 2016 04:27 pm - No, my brother and I were having a disagreement. She probably came out to send us to our rooms. :lol:
I think it is because we got some liquid antibiotic yesterday and I have been adding it... (view)
Fri 13 May, 2016 04:02 pm -
Guess who just got herself out of bed for the first time since the 29th? We got her out to the living room and in her recliner. She even drank half a bottle of clear Ensure diluted with water.... (view)
Tue 10 May, 2016 06:02 pm - Thank you for the kind words, everyone. Mom is hanging in there. Mom used to sing with the dogs several time a day. She hasn't done that at all for about 3 weeks. Today there was a brief... (view)