Mon 21 Oct, 2019 08:40 pm - "Re: harpazo (Post 6914890)
Have you actually read the Bible? I mean really read it, not just taking passages out of context to support whatever political party your church has sold out to.... (view)
Sun 20 Oct, 2019 11:05 pm - "Just how stupid does one have to be to think that corrupt blob of orange shite is innocent.
The reason he's not disclosing his tax returns is because he's a bloody crook. "... (view)
Sat 19 Oct, 2019 03:42 pm - "Who knows what other crimes lie hidden in Trump's tax returns and these are only the crimes we know about. There are many many more...
The sooner Trump is arrested the safer our... (view)
Thu 17 Oct, 2019 10:28 am - "I don't think you truly believe this. If the president were a Democrat, you would be in the street shouting "Impeach".
In any sense. The Constitution is very clear. The... (view)
Tue 15 Oct, 2019 10:30 pm - "Re: longly (Post 6912675)
There is a penalty for violating a legal contract, but there is no penalty for violating the Constitution.
1. Would lawsuits be defined as a... (view)
Tue 15 Oct, 2019 10:10 pm - "I think impeachment counts as a fairly significant penalty. "
I think it is a mistake to impeach and convict any president for anything other than an actual crime. If Congress can... (view)
Mon 14 Oct, 2019 10:18 pm - "You are claiming that the Constitution is a "non-legal" documenr?"
I am not a lawyer so I might be on shaky ground, but as I understand it the Constitution is not a legal... (view)
Mon 14 Oct, 2019 12:05 pm - The poster maxdancona said the Constitution is not a religious document and is correct. It is a non-legal social contract like the Mayflower compact. It is called the supreme law of the land... (view)
Sun 13 Oct, 2019 02:57 am - I think that the most important thing to remember about the US Constitution is that it was not written in code. It means what it says. (view)