joefromchicago wrote:It's positively amazing just how weepy and sentimental some conservatives have gotten over the Iraqi people since 2003. It's almost enough to make one believe that these bleeding-hearts cared about the Iraqis all along. Of course, we didn't hear much about "the millions of Iraqis who desired a future free from tyranny" back in the '80s when Donald Rumsfeld was getting all chummy with Saddam Hussein, but I'm sure that was just an oversight. Likewise, the chorus of concern for the plight of the Iraqi people was decidedly muted during the Clinton administration, when continued sanctions cost the lives of thousands of Iraqis. No doubt the conservatives who clamored for intervention on behalf of the poor, downtrodden, freedom-loving Iraqis were equally vocal in favor of an invasion during the '90s -- it's just that the liberal media didn't cover all of their massive street demonstrations at the time.
Your a smart guy Joe, you've proven that in the past so it makes me wonder why you would
act stupid like this. Our policy in the 80's was to ensure Iran did not usurp unnecessary power in the region and backed Iraq in a war against Iran. You know that of course, but
act like you don't. Bush Sr. should have supported the insurgency after the Gulf war and used them to overthrow Saddam and allow for a new government then, instead, he listened to the UN that imposed sanctions against Iraq. You know that, but
act like you don't. Saddam was a ruthless murderer in th 80's, the 90's, and the early 00's. Our foreign policy shifted as time progressed to the point where his threat and disobedience of UN sanctions demanded a military response. You know that, but
act like you don't.
So, my question to you joefromchicago, why the heavy acting? Playing to the audience? Looking for praise from people like Montana who has a hard time knowing her elbow from her...?