Mon 9 Jul, 2007 07:50 am
NAACP activists today staged a ceremonial burial of the N-word in Detroit.
At least one shocke jock claims to have reanimated the dead with what he called his "FrankeN-word".
"Radio cowboy" seems to me a thinly veiled term for "honky". The double standard is astounding. Jesse Jerkson and Al Notsosharpton are the biggest race baiters alive.
I think it's a fabulous idea and I know a lot of blacks who feel the same way.
The problem is it's simply symbolical.
We need to actually practice.
It's a fabulous idea if you despise the 1st amendment and right to free speech. I mean, why not just ban EVERYTHING? It would certainly simplify things.
I wonder what they wrote on the tombstone?
cjhsa wrote:It's a fabulous idea if you despise the 1st amendment and right to free speech. I mean, why not just ban EVERYTHING? It would certainly simplify things.
Yeah well, there are those who can't see the value in not being an as*hole...
The first amendment is wonderful. So is being a decent human being.
It's a good ides, though I think, race bias has mostly gone.
Besides with those cjhsa's who are to find all over the world.
Bella Dea wrote:
Yeah well, there are those who can't see the value in not being an as*hole...
The first amendment is wonderful. So is being a decent human being.
Tell that to Chris Rock and the hundreds of other entertainers who have made a living on the N-word.
I understand it quite clearly. The PC police abound here at A2K.
I notice nobody has taken a stab at answering my question.
cjhsa wrote:Bella Dea wrote:
Yeah well, there are those who can't see the value in not being an as*hole...
The first amendment is wonderful. So is being a decent human being.
Tell that to Chris Rock and the hundreds of other entertainers who have made a living on the N-word.
I would. But they keep rejecting my phone calls.
Which "N"-word are they going to bury?
I look in the dictionary and there are hundreds of words that start with the letter "N".
In the article, one "N" word kept popping up in the article.
Is that the "N" word they want to bury?
cjhsa wrote:Bella Dea wrote:
Yeah well, there are those who can't see the value in not being an as*hole...
The first amendment is wonderful. So is being a decent human being.
Tell that to Chris Rock and the hundreds of other entertainers who have made a living on the N-word.
They don't use the word to be racist against their own kind, they redirect the word and deflate it so that rednecks from the Midwest can't get off on it.
Also, we live on a planet called "Earth." Is there anything else you need spelled out?
I simply do not understand the paranoia that white people are under attack. But I appreciate the humor of it.
Banning the word sounds like the best way of preserving all the hate that word represents.
IMO black people were well on their way on demystifying the word and depriving it of most of it's negative meaning.
Detroit has a huge problem with crime, poverty, the cycle of welfare, and lack of education. But they are more worried about a word.
cjhsa wrote:Detroit has a huge problem with crime, poverty, the cycle of welfare, and lack of education. But they are more worried about a word.
Yes, that's right.
But what makes you think that a nationall conference is about the problem's of the city where it takes place? Any national conference, not just the NAACP's.
Or differently ask: why should the national conference of the NAACP look on Detroit's problems in special?
Perhaps because Detroit is a poster child for bad societal behaviour? This feel-good crap makes me want to puke. For the love of God, do something about the problem, not stick BAN-daids on it.
And for the record, cj, Don Imus IS a cowboy, and he's got a ranch. Really. It's not just part of his routine. And further, for the record, "cowboy" is not just a word for honky or some such. It might interest you to know, or probably not, that between a quarter and a third of all cowboys were black. They started as escaped slaves, freedmen, or after the Civil War, ex-slaves who had learned the trade on the ranches in Texas. And another large percentage were Mexican vaqueros. Somehow all those Western stories and the movies wrote them out of the script, and left only the John Waynes. And you seem to have bought into the fiction. Typical.
username wrote:And for the record, cj, Don Imus IS a cowboy, and he's got a ranch. Really. It's not just part of his routine. And further, for the record, "cowboy" is not just a word for honky or some such. It might interest you to know, or probably not, that between a quarter and a third of all cowboys were black. They started as escaped slaves, freedmen, or after the Civil War, ex-slaves who had learned the trade on the ranches in Texas. And another large percentage were Mexican vaqueros. Somehow all those Western stories and the movies wrote them out of the script, and left only the John Waynes. And you seem to have bought into the fiction. Typical.
Please turn your brain on before posting next time. Making assumptions about others' meanings just makes you look silly. Don Imus is no cowboy, he has a dude ranch for sick children - a very noble thing, but he's no cowboy. Also, I don't pay much attention to Hollyweird.