Thanks for the ommmm's (and mooooooo's), eh beth, Montana, and DD. They seem to be helping. I'm feeling semi-comfortable at the moment.
cj, I normally don't check out youtube links because I'm on dialup, but I did so with this one. It took over an hour to download and was very much worth the wait. Thanks!
Noddy, hmmmm, tough choice. I hope you go with whichever one puts your Day in a better frame. The girls are both working this evening and Mr B asked if I wanted him to eat out so that I don't have to smell real food. They're all leaving me in peace and quiet.
Walter, < she says, with eyebrow raised > just what are you trying to say?
Nothing hot or cold to eat or drink today. Room temp Ensure (vanilla milkshake flavor) is nothing to write home about, but it's not so bad. I told Mr B I'd bought it and he asked why I needed an adult diaper.

Adult formula and adult diapers are all the same to him. Hopefully, I can hold off on needing Depends for awhile yet.