When's it happening?
Surely they're gonna give you that twilight sleep stuff? Whatever the hell they call that anaesthesia that almost puts you out, but doesn't quite....
let the drink flow freely for us all!
Oh gosh..yeah, no seeing it..iwwww.
I've had the periodontal slicing stuff done...TWICE! The second time it took and with conscientious brushing, flossing, etc I'm holding my own. (An electric toothbrush like the Oral B is my best friend.) I've also had a skin graft taken from the roof of my mouth (I think that's what you're talking about jespah?) and it does hurt for quite a while (I suspect because it's always WET). Kind of like a bad pizza burn (but without enjoying the pizza first

Dang, that sounds like as much fun as I've been anticipating.
Well, I had thought it was tomorrow but it turns out el appointment is Wed. Still stinks, and now I have an extra 24 hrs to think about it. Feh.
In 48 hours all will be over and done with--except the healing.
Hold your dominion.
And while healing, don't use a straw.
Good to know.
All sorts of lovely things I'm learning.
I'm off to meet the knife. ommms welcome.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMing for JPB today and Jes tomorrow!
I had recent crown woes that are not nearly so scary in comparison.
I got the first crown in April. It lasted 13 days and fell out. I got the second crown in May. It broke before the cement dried. The dentist and I were both out of town for most of June. The third crown is up to day 7. We shall see. Aren't these things supposed to last for years?
The good news is that insurance paid half, and there have been no further charges since April.
ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'ing for J_B...
(jes will be receiving her's in person tonight)
Lots of ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm's from here.
(Not I have any problems with my dentist's work, but when I notice what isn't covered by the health insurance [though a private isn't a good deal re number of teeth/lifespan :wink: )
Dentist visits don't bother me at all.
It's the bill
ossobuco wrote:This thread makes me shiver, this thread makes me quiver...
Me too!
I'm sending positive vibes your way...
oh man!
Thanks for the ommmm's folks. I'm sure they were helpful and were much appreciated as I ommm'ed along in my head during the procedure.
jes, nix the idea of gazpacho for day 1 and 2. WAY TOO acidic with the tomatoes. They suggested meal replacement drinks for today (now they tell me) and soft foods for tomorrow. No straws, as mentioned here previously, and lots and lots of salt water rinses. I've got some happy drugs too, just in case.
Today I had the root extraction and bone implant. Turns out I will probably need a soft tissue implant around the remaining two anchor teeth later this summer. That tissue will be harvested from the roof of my mouth. I'm going to be spitting nickels (hah, literally!) if my insurance doesn't cover it. The root was split and ancient silver filling material had been leeching into the surrounding bone for years, hence the need for the bone transplant. It was also responsible for the abscess in the gum area.
Thanks again for the support, folks. I'm off to drool salt water....
Ooooooom and Mooooo
Good luck to you
Hold your dominion.
Good grief!
What Noddy said ...
And some dozen more ommmmmmm....mmms!
Ouch, JPB -- hope the happy drugs work.
Good luck tomorrow jes!